WEBVTT 1 00:00:13.020 --> 00:00:27.209 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: Welcome everyone. We're going to get started in just a moment, just going to give it a minute for everybody to filter in. In the meantime, if you can see and hear me, please drop your name and location in the chat. 2 00:00:27.500 --> 00:00:30.970 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: and I'm going to drop some special links for you. 3 00:00:37.680 --> 00:00:42.850 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: Hello, Anita from Greenville, Lisa in Arizona. Hello. 4 00:00:43.540 --> 00:00:56.350 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: oop! Everyone's everything's coming through very quickly now. I see Canada, Ottawa, Vancouver, Florida. California, Texas, Utah, Norway. Minnesota, Colorado, Connecticut. 5 00:00:57.160 --> 00:01:19.540 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: Germany. Amazing love to see so many people here. It is Valentine's Day, and you're spending romance writers week Day 3 with us, and we are just so glad to have you I'm gonna go through just a couple of slides here before we introduce our speaker. Once again. I'm Michelle with pro writing aid. Welcome as always. It's great to see you here. 6 00:01:20.170 --> 00:01:39.180 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: so your replays are available on the Hub page. If you have not checked out the hub, yet I highly encourage you to do so. I'm gonna drop that link for you in the chat again. The hub has all of your replays, slides, audio transcripts, special links from the speakers, and your schedule of events. 7 00:01:39.180 --> 00:01:50.679 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: So make sure that you check that out. The replays will be up Monday through Thursday's replays will be up there until March first, and then after that they will be for premium and premium pro subscribers 8 00:01:51.350 --> 00:02:01.620 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: and they do go up pretty quickly. Just give us a little bit of time for Zoom and Youtube to process the videos, and we will get them up as quickly as we can. 9 00:02:01.980 --> 00:02:25.930 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: Friday is our premium day. So that means, if you are a premium or premium pro subscriber, you have access to a special day of sessions and replays, and those instructions will be sent out to you on Friday morning with how to access that if you would like to upgrade to premium or premium pro, we do have a special offer for attendees that last until March first for 25% off a yearly plan. 10 00:02:26.290 --> 00:02:42.410 You can get the discount link on the Hub and learn more about that there. But it is a great time to upgrade. If you were thinking about doing so. Upgrading allows us to continue to keep doing events like these which we love doing for our writing community? And we appreciate your support. 11 00:02:43.150 --> 00:03:05.420 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: If you'd like to keep talking romance writing, we'd love to have you over in our online writers. Community joining is very simple. You just log in using this link here. And it's also in the hub you log in with your pro writing aid account information, and it syncs you up, and then you can join us in the live event. Chat to talk with other romance writers. Week attendees about different romance, writing topics. 12 00:03:06.100 --> 00:03:29.580 reminders for today's session. If you have a question for Danny, or about providing aid. Please use the QA. Box. Otherwise. We can miss them very easily in the chat, as you can see, the chat moves quickly, and we want to make sure we can answer as many of your questions as we can. So please put those in the QA. If you would like to chat with fellow attendees today you're more than welcome to do so. 13 00:03:29.580 --> 00:03:38.729 Just make sure that you select everyone on the dropdown menu near the message box. Otherwise, by default, they come to just the host and panelists. 14 00:03:39.820 --> 00:04:04.940 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: and with that being said, I believe we are ready to begin. So today I am joined by Danny Abernathy. Danny is an Enniogram teacher and book coach who helps. Novelists write the stories they need to tell, so their readers can feel, seen, and can see others specializing in fantasy, soft sci fi and YA. Danny merges. How story works with how people work creating books that help. Readers have more empathy for themselves and others 15 00:04:04.940 --> 00:04:20.619 Michelle @ ProWritingAid: through her rooted writers, mentorship. She helps novelists embrace, plan, and write books. They're proud of. Danny is a Capricorn, INFJ. And anyogram type 4. Who believes that stories can change the world. One reader at a time. Welcome, Danny, we're so happy to have you. 16 00:04:21.029 --> 00:04:31.729 Dani Abernathy: Hi! Thanks for having me first things first. I am getting over a pretty bad cold, and so my voice sounds 17 00:04:31.970 --> 00:04:47.570 Dani Abernathy: like it does. And so I'm gonna do my best today. But I apologize for all scratchiness. We may just go into asmr mode at some point, so we'll see how it goes. I'm gonna go ahead and share my screen, and we're gonna jump right in. 18 00:04:48.900 --> 00:04:54.180 Dani Abernathy: Can you let me know in the chat that you can see this. 19 00:04:55.320 --> 00:04:58.509 Dani Abernathy: Kimmy? Yes, great. Okay, thanks 20 00:04:58.700 --> 00:05:09.190 alright. So we're talking about the personality of romance today. We're gonna use the anygram to shape your romance novel and write a swoon worthy romance novel. 21 00:05:09.320 --> 00:05:13.029 My name is Danny Abernathy. My pronouns are she her? 22 00:05:13.290 --> 00:05:38.010 Dani Abernathy: I'm an author, accelerator, certified book coach, and a book coach is like an editor who works with you while you write. So a lot of editors come in at the end, and they assess your story, and they tell you everything that needs to be fixed, and then you're on your own to fix it. And I don't think that's a good system, speaking from my own personal experience. And so I work with you as you're right. I work with you through the whole process, and my specialties are 23 00:05:38.010 --> 00:05:56.359 Dani Abernathy: science fiction fantasy in ya, but I work with any heart centered story. And romance certainly is a heart centered story. So I'm an indigen teacher which we're gonna talk all about today. I'm the creator of the rooted writers mentorship, which is a year long group program that's unlike anything else I've seen out there in the writing world. 24 00:05:56.680 --> 00:06:05.150 I live in northwest Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. It's a beautiful little town and has an amazing library. So if you ever come here, please go to the library. 25 00:06:05.620 --> 00:06:19.219 Dani Abernathy: I love books, obviously, and rainy days and deep conversation. And I'm all those personality things. I also just found out that I thought I was a generator, and I'm a manifesting generator. So if you're in human design. 26 00:06:19.620 --> 00:06:28.770 Dani Abernathy: it worlds changing. Okay? So my mission, I help novelists write the stories they need to tell. So their readers can feel, seen, and can see others. 27 00:06:29.300 --> 00:06:37.299 Dani Abernathy: I believe stories can change the world one reader at a time, because they teach us to have more compassion for ourselves and for others. 28 00:06:38.350 --> 00:06:50.669 Dani Abernathy: and I think stories are one of our most powerful tools for having less war and more love. And I don't know about you. But these days I sure could use less war and more love in the world. 29 00:06:50.990 --> 00:06:58.770 Dani Abernathy: So today I'm gonna help you understand what the Instagram is. Any Gram is spelled incorrectly in that slide. 30 00:06:58.860 --> 00:07:14.509 I'm gonna introduce you to the 9 anagram types. You're gonna get some actionable steps to apply the anagram to your novel. You're gonna gain new resources for AI, creating unforgettable characters. And you're gonna leave feeling encouraged and energized. I hope. 31 00:07:15.510 --> 00:07:37.690 Dani Abernathy: before we dive in, I have an Instagram cheat sheet for you. And it has some things we're not gonna cover in the presentation today, specifically like how conflict triggers, how each integral type presents and how they are who they are as our writer. So you can get that on my website, Danny abernathy.com slash PWA. Romance 32 00:07:38.010 --> 00:07:44.289 Dani Abernathy: or you can scan that QR code, and I'll give this to you a couple of times today. But if you wanna go ahead and grab that you are welcome to 33 00:07:44.910 --> 00:07:55.490 Dani Abernathy: okay, before we dive in, I just want to introduce you to how I think about story. And so the story tree is how I help my writers develop their stories. 34 00:07:56.580 --> 00:08:22.289 and we start growing your story from the ground up phase one is about embracing yourself and your story. We start with the roots of your story tree. You are the roots of your story tree. You're the most important part of your story, because every part of your story grows from you. And so that's obviously the voice, the characters, the plot, the world, but also the meaning and the impact, the ability to finish all of those things grow from you. 35 00:08:22.290 --> 00:08:34.979 Dani Abernathy: So I think that the more you understand yourself and the more connected your story is to you, the stronger it's gonna be. And as a romance writer, I think understanding yourself 36 00:08:35.360 --> 00:08:48.760 Dani Abernathy: is gonna help. You know why you love romance. It's not just because you love romance, and you love love, and it makes you feel good. There's something deeper happening there. And so if you can identify that, you can use that to write even more powerful stories. 37 00:08:49.120 --> 00:09:01.780 So we use the anagram. And in this phase one of a story tree process in the mentorship to help you understand yourself and why you write so. The next part of the story tree is the tree trunk. 38 00:09:01.960 --> 00:09:18.270 and the tree trunk is made up of a few different things, but the most important part of that tree trunk is your story's point. And so the point is like the world viewer message of your story. It's one sentence. It's really simple, and it explains what you're trying to say through your to your reader, through your book. 39 00:09:19.240 --> 00:09:23.910 Dani Abernathy: Then we move on to phase 2, which is where you plan your story, we get into all the 40 00:09:23.940 --> 00:09:35.910 Dani Abernathy: good story pieces like plot and character world Cast series and all of these pieces grow from who you are and what you want to say about the world through your novel. 41 00:09:36.140 --> 00:09:50.360 Dani Abernathy: We use the Instagram so much here in the mentorship in Phase 2. Because we use it for all the characters, the anagrams, such a great tool for developing your characters, which you'll see today. And so the anagram is all up in phase 2 of the story tree process. 42 00:09:50.550 --> 00:09:57.360 Dani Abernathy: and then, and only then, do we write your manuscript. and so we do it in this order, because I 43 00:09:57.630 --> 00:10:24.679 Dani Abernathy: I don't know about you, but I have written manuscripts before with not really much plan, and I just end up writing into the desert where story goes, stories go to die, or I end up spending $2,500 on a manuscript. So that's been only to find out my book isn't working. So I want the words that you write to be leading you to the story you really want to tell. I want them to be work. I want them to be creating a manuscript that works, and that's why we do it in this order. 44 00:10:24.820 --> 00:10:30.919 Dani Abernathy: So I just wanted to give you an overview of this that you know where I'm coming from and how I think about story. 45 00:10:31.220 --> 00:10:36.559 Dani Abernathy: But let's get into the anyogram, shall we? 46 00:10:36.650 --> 00:10:38.649 Dani Abernathy: So what is the anyogram? 47 00:10:38.740 --> 00:10:50.029 I say, psycho spiritual system, psychological and spiritual system that identifies 9 personality types according to core desires and fear 48 00:10:50.040 --> 00:10:59.390 Dani Abernathy: rather than behaviour. So a lot of personality types like MBTI, which is the Myers Briggs. With the 4 letters they focus primarily on behavior 49 00:10:59.470 --> 00:11:08.399 Dani Abernathy: to identify you and the any grant focuses on them the motives behind the behavior, which is what makes it so powerful for writers. 50 00:11:08.830 --> 00:11:14.180 Dani Abernathy: So this is the enneagram. It's the symbol. You may have seen this symbol before 51 00:11:14.260 --> 00:11:25.709 Dani Abernathy: anyogram. The word itself means a 9 sided drawing. So any M means 9, and Graham means drawing. And so the is this symbol. 52 00:11:26.270 --> 00:11:43.559 Dani Abernathy: and it divides the personality up into 9 types. So each type has a number type one type, 2, type 3. There's no like best number. We're not working toward becoming a type, one or a type 9 who's at the top. Every type is equally as good as all the other types. 53 00:11:44.070 --> 00:11:56.210 Dani Abernathy: You do have one primary type, but there's a lot of movement within the. So each person has every 9 type inside them. But there's one that's like dominant that's really driving us. 54 00:11:56.970 --> 00:12:08.499 Dani Abernathy: and if you're looking for your type well, first of all, your type doesn't change throughout your life. You have the same type all the way through, and if you're looking for your type, you may found it. If you kind of hate it 55 00:12:08.730 --> 00:12:21.529 Dani Abernathy: because they say that when you first read about your type. You usually don't like it because the anagram really reveals, like a lot of those underlying motives and driving things that we don't often realize. 56 00:12:21.870 --> 00:12:36.839 Dani Abernathy: Also, just wanna give a little caveat a lot of people type as four's a type 4. The ins introspective individualist, but fours are actually pretty rare in the integrand. So if you type as a 4, I just wanna give you a few things to think about 57 00:12:36.900 --> 00:12:48.479 Dani Abernathy: if you if you are. or a marginalized person. If you hold a marginalized identity. So if you're queer, or trans or a person of color, or an immigrant or neurodivergent. 58 00:12:48.520 --> 00:13:09.500 Dani Abernathy: you may have spent a lot of your time and energy thinking about who you are in relation to others around you. And identity is really important for a type 4. And so if you've just spent a lot of time thinking about your identity, that's gonna skew toward 4. And you may not actually be a 4. Also, sad 59 00:13:09.560 --> 00:13:16.949 Dani Abernathy: type, sad twos, sad sixes, and sad lines also often type as fours. So I just want to throw that caveat out of there. 60 00:13:17.280 --> 00:13:21.360 Dani Abernathy: I do have links to an Instagram test in the 61 00:13:22.670 --> 00:13:38.509 Dani Abernathy: in the cheat sheet which I just put in the chat for you. Okay, so how can anygram help you create a swoon worthy romance. First of all, it's gonna help. You better understand yourself. I think the more you understand yourself more honest you can be with your readers. And the more powerful story you can write. 62 00:13:38.700 --> 00:13:49.199 Dani Abernathy: So it's helpful for that. Second, it's gonna help you create characters that support the story you're trying to tell. Instead of having these disparate pieces, like all shoved together into one story soup. 63 00:13:49.340 --> 00:13:55.299 Dani Abernathy: we want our story tree to all be like connected and growing and living together. The anagram can help you do that. 64 00:13:56.290 --> 00:14:01.799 It's gonna help you develop characters that feel real and authentic, that feel like people, you know in real life. 65 00:14:02.150 --> 00:14:19.450 Dani Abernathy: It's gonna help you differentiate between characters a lot of times. I don't know if you've gotten this feedback before, but it's like these characters seems to pretty similar, or you just end up writing the same personality over and over again. The anagram can help you make your characters distinct from each other. 66 00:14:19.710 --> 00:14:29.409 It's also gonna help you understand characters who are not like you, especially personality types that you don't really like very much. It's gonna help you understand why those people are the way they are? 67 00:14:29.720 --> 00:14:36.290 Dani Abernathy: You're gonna be able to create more believable arcs. I feel emotionally logical. So what I mean by that is. 68 00:14:36.790 --> 00:14:53.909 Dani Abernathy: you know, sometimes nothing pulls you out of a story more than a character who makes a choice or does something that feels totally out of character for them, right? And so the anyogram is gonna help you stay aligned with who that character is, and what they care about and what they believe about the world. 69 00:14:55.110 --> 00:15:02.450 Dani Abernathy: And then it's gonna help you craft a book that has an emotional impact on your reader, especially if you wanna like, say something 70 00:15:03.820 --> 00:15:09.789 Dani Abernathy: if you're trying to say something from your own experience, or you want to change a reader's perspective, the anagram can help you do that 71 00:15:10.430 --> 00:15:17.810 Dani Abernathy: alright. So we're gonna look at the anagram types. There's 9 types. But before we do, I just wanna say that 72 00:15:18.010 --> 00:15:34.549 Dani Abernathy: the anagram is a really deep system. And so you know, I certainly can't get into all of it right now. My intention today is to kind of give you a taste of each anagram type, so you can get a feel for the system and a feel for the types. 73 00:15:34.660 --> 00:15:39.710 Dani Abernathy: Okay, so let's dive in. So type one is the principled reformer. 74 00:15:39.710 --> 00:16:07.370 The desire of the one is to be good, to do things in the correct way, to have integrity, and the fear of the one is that they are not good, they are actually bad or corrupt. And so the one out of this fear of like discovering this internal evilness inside them. They try to do their best to everything. They want to be good. They want to do things the right way. So they are their own worst critic, and they're always aware of how they and the world and everything around them can improve. 75 00:16:08.140 --> 00:16:27.900 So ones are very responsible, reliable detail, oriented principles. I'm seeing a lot of guesses in the chat. Yeah, diligent. They're always improving, but they can also be rigid, resentful, self-righteous, judgmental, and sometimes avoidant of things like they may not be able to do correctly. 76 00:16:28.500 --> 00:16:39.639 Dani Abernathy: So once try to gain love by being morally right at good. They think if I'm good enough, if I can only be good, if I can be the goodest, and I will earn love. 77 00:16:39.830 --> 00:16:44.080 but they get into trouble by being unwilling to admit when they're wrong. 78 00:16:44.280 --> 00:17:05.909 Dani Abernathy: or like, have made a mistake or an error. So here's some examples of ones. I've tried on these examples to give a wide variety, both like diversity and like race and age, but also industry. And you'll see some examples of people who've changed the world for good and for bad on here. So, like David Kresh was a cult leader. 79 00:17:05.980 --> 00:17:22.470 Dani Abernathy: But he also won. So some words you might associate with the one our judge, Crusader, proofreader, evangelist, know at all reformer, administrator, angel, but not like in a soft sort of way, but like in a really righteous sort of way. 80 00:17:22.470 --> 00:17:39.169 principal Goody, 2 shoes inquisitor, expert teacher, rationalist, mentor, ethicist, advocate, headmaster, hypocrite, ones have this thing that's sometimes called like the release valve. And so ones 81 00:17:39.250 --> 00:17:50.910 because they've been pent up so much. And they've been so restricted within themselves. Sometimes they will just like, let it all go, and I'll have this kind of release off at. But sometimes that means that 82 00:17:51.220 --> 00:18:01.100 Dani Abernathy: you end up with a situation like a very religious homophobic pastor than is in like gay relationships. So that's where that hypocritical element can come in 83 00:18:01.390 --> 00:18:05.729 ones can also be critics, organizers, nitpickers, moralizers, Puritans. 84 00:18:06.780 --> 00:18:07.800 Okay. 85 00:18:07.930 --> 00:18:17.430 Dani Abernathy: let's look at the 2. The 2 is the relational helper. The desire of the 2 is to be good, sorry to be loved and appreciated and wanted. 86 00:18:17.650 --> 00:18:23.949 but the fear of the 2 is being rejected, unwanted, and unloved. So the 2 tries to 87 00:18:24.090 --> 00:18:43.859 Dani Abernathy: give in order to get love. They're warm, welcoming, generous, their team players, they're really positive and nurturing. Oh, my gosh! You'd never feel better than when you're with it, too, because they just know how to like. Pour out the love and pour all the compliments. They're just such warm and welcoming and kind people. 88 00:18:43.900 --> 00:19:03.369 Dani Abernathy: but they can also be passive, aggressive, and manipulative. Choose our excellent manipulators. They can kind of have this martyr attitude, and they really like they do in order to get into return. But they're not aware of it. So that's where this self to self self deception comes in. So for a 2 to recognize like. Oh, I am. 89 00:19:03.560 --> 00:19:14.799 Dani Abernathy: I am here for this person. because I hope that they'll be here for me like I am giving, so that I can then receive from this person for them to acknowledge that really 90 00:19:15.260 --> 00:19:20.849 Dani Abernathy: threatens the 2 self image of being this generous person, this kind and loving person. 91 00:19:21.710 --> 00:19:29.209 Dani Abernathy: So choose, try to gain love by being supportive of other people, so that those people will think well of you too, and will then meet their needs. 92 00:19:29.590 --> 00:19:43.410 Dani Abernathy: but they get into trouble by giving unwanted help or unsolicited advice and direction. They also get into trouble because they just expect other people to give back to them, and they expect their needs to be met without actually expressing their needs. 93 00:19:44.550 --> 00:19:56.589 Dani Abernathy: So here's a bunch of twos in who are pretty well known words that describe it to matchmaker. Diva right. Carrie is a 2. I always think of her when I think of diva 94 00:19:56.600 --> 00:20:14.450 Dani Abernathy: apparent martyr, knit picker, Prince or princess, manager, fairy godmother, good Samaritan, supporter boss, and twos can be good bosses like in a professional sense, but they also can be quite bossy. I think they always 95 00:20:14.550 --> 00:20:27.549 the 2 is an excellent advice giver. They know what other people need. They know the best path. Someone else should take their mentors, their gossips, twos really thrive on information about people. 96 00:20:27.710 --> 00:20:32.400 Dani Abernathy: They're caretakers. They're very flirtatious and can be quite like seductive 97 00:20:32.490 --> 00:20:43.429 performers, nurturers, servants, networker, flatterer, coach manipulator, strategist and charmer tools are so so charming. 98 00:20:43.950 --> 00:20:47.699 Okay, type 3 is the adaptive achiever. 99 00:20:47.710 --> 00:20:59.219 Dani Abernathy: So the achiever wants to feel valuable and significant, and their fear is of being worthless. So the the strategy that the 3 adapts is they think 100 00:20:59.240 --> 00:21:13.009 Dani Abernathy: they actually think they don't deserve love. They think I'm not worthy of love. So I'm gonna settle for respect. I'm gonna settle for admiration. So they want to be the best. So they're very goal oriented. They are excellent leaders. They're very competent, very smart. 101 00:21:13.140 --> 00:21:19.370 Dani Abernathy: enterprising, ambitious, but that can also make them insincere. An opportunistic 102 00:21:19.450 --> 00:21:27.970 they often prioritize achievements over people. They can be vain, and sometimes they present themselves as experts, or more than an expert than they are. 103 00:21:28.750 --> 00:21:32.579 Dani Abernathy: And so with 3, did I say 2? Have I been saying 2 104 00:21:33.010 --> 00:21:36.840 Dani Abernathy: bath regains love by being successful and impressive. 105 00:21:36.900 --> 00:21:41.789 They think if I can just impress you enough, then I will have something close to love. 106 00:21:42.320 --> 00:21:50.989 Dani Abernathy: But I get into trouble because they're they're often unwilling to engage with the deeper things in life, like more emotional 107 00:21:51.020 --> 00:21:53.179 Dani Abernathy: introspection kind of things. 108 00:21:53.590 --> 00:21:54.970 And they have. 109 00:21:55.080 --> 00:22:04.049 Dani Abernathy: They're pretty single-minded with like efficiency and tasks and getting things done, moving forward toward their goals. So here's some threes. 110 00:22:04.310 --> 00:22:17.749 There are a lot of threes in the world and in entertainment, because threes want to be the best in their field. So threes you might hear that a 3 kind of becomes wherever they need to be, but actually a 3 usually finds 111 00:22:17.770 --> 00:22:26.640 Dani Abernathy: the thing they want to be really good at, and they become the best at that particular thing. So they're not good at everything. They're really good at this one thing they've chosen to invest in. 112 00:22:26.990 --> 00:22:38.729 Dani Abernathy: So the 3 is the professional. They're the CEO. They're the Olympian Olympian, but they can also have kind of this mannequin like quality that's like, almost like a plastic person like they're not 113 00:22:38.830 --> 00:22:47.649 Dani Abernathy: going any deeper than right here because they can't. They don't wanna access that part of themselves because it might conflict with this. 114 00:22:47.840 --> 00:22:48.610 this 115 00:22:49.110 --> 00:23:17.869 Dani Abernathy: persona they've adopted. So they can be good politicians, movie stars, experts, salespeople speakers, very motivational speakers, millionaires or billionaires, entrepreneurs, directors, braggarts, coaches. These can be amazing coaches. My 2 coaches, Jenny Nash from author accelerator and dallas Travers are my business coach, and they are amazing coaches. 116 00:23:19.080 --> 00:23:27.269 Dani Abernathy: The reason know how to motivate people. They can be for performers, supermodels, competitors, top of the class workaholics, overachievers. 117 00:23:28.460 --> 00:23:30.560 Dani Abernathy: Okay. 118 00:23:31.850 --> 00:23:58.839 Dani Abernathy: so the introspective individualist, the type 4. The desire of the 4 is to find their significance and their unique identity. and the fear of the 4 is of being without meaning. So, being like mundane, purposeless, not having any significance in life. So the 4 thinks that something is missing in them. But everyone else has some like essential peace. And so the way they deal with that they often think they're like cursed. So the one 119 00:23:58.960 --> 00:24:15.529 Dani Abernathy: lives in lives running away from their badness, and the fort like embraces it and incorporates it into like their specialness. In a way. special is a word associated with force a lot. But I think force hate that word. I hate that word at least. 120 00:24:16.330 --> 00:24:23.539 Dani Abernathy: yeah. And so forth, become this individual, this interesting individual, to draw people in who can love them? 121 00:24:23.950 --> 00:24:29.950 Dani Abernathy: So fours are expressive, creative, perceptive, empathetic, idealist. 122 00:24:30.130 --> 00:24:41.469 Dani Abernathy: They they are their feelings. So more than any other type. The the feelings of the 4 where they want to live, so they will like enhance their feelings 123 00:24:41.530 --> 00:25:00.469 Dani Abernathy: so they can be self absorbed, never satisfied. They have to feel really misunderstood and feeling misunderstood is one of the worst things for for, and they feel exempt from the ordinariness of life so like. Why do I need to wash the dishes when I there's so many deep thoughts to be thinking. 124 00:25:01.830 --> 00:25:08.240 So Forrest, gain love by suffering. They think they need to suffer in order to earn love. 125 00:25:08.330 --> 00:25:22.959 Dani Abernathy: or that love is suffering, and they also gain love by being unique. But they get into trouble because they assume that they understand how how others are feeling and what their experiences are, because fours are so in touch with their own feelings. 126 00:25:23.520 --> 00:25:26.880 Dani Abernathy: And they, you know, they often aren't 127 00:25:27.440 --> 00:25:36.299 Dani Abernathy: willing to to recognize the own agency they have in their lives and the the power they have to like change things and to move forward. 128 00:25:37.190 --> 00:25:48.280 So these are some fours you can definitely sense like there's a different vibe here from like the threes and the twos you can sense. There's like some sadness and some brooding happening here. 129 00:25:48.350 --> 00:25:51.370 You may be surprised to see King Charles here. 130 00:25:51.930 --> 00:26:06.800 Dani Abernathy: So fours are artists, therapists. They're protesters, but not in a not in the way, like a type 8 is that you'll see 4 s. Are like protesters because they so value 131 00:26:06.900 --> 00:26:35.020 Dani Abernathy: individualism and people determining their own destiny, that, like when that is violated, then they they wanna act against that. Fours can be great villains. They're mystics. They're specialists. So 4 is on the anagram are between the 3 and the 5 and the 3 and the 5 are specialists. They're experts in their field, and the 4 is as well because it falls between those 2. So fours were to be intellectual specialists, a lot of time, or like artistic specialists. 132 00:26:35.210 --> 00:26:39.680 They're also emotional vampires feed off of emotions. 133 00:26:39.940 --> 00:26:46.659 Dani Abernathy: elitists, poets, tortured souls, sophists, divas, but like dark, brooding divas. 134 00:26:46.690 --> 00:26:58.810 Dani Abernathy: intellectuals, black swans, critics, romantics, Goths, Bohemian snobs. Force can be quite snobbish creatives musicians and healers. 135 00:26:59.510 --> 00:27:01.610 Dani Abernathy: Okay 136 00:27:01.890 --> 00:27:12.120 Dani Abernathy: so these examples were picked from my anygram teachers, you can often figure out a person's anagram type 137 00:27:12.690 --> 00:27:25.149 Dani Abernathy: based on listening to their conversations and, like their face like their expressions that they use most often and things. So these are the assumed Anygram types of these people based off of the teachers, I stundo study under. Okay. 138 00:27:25.360 --> 00:27:37.829 Dani Abernathy: so just a reminder. The anagram cheat sheet. If you would like to get it has some information we're not covering here. It also has links to anygram tests and some resources. So I'm gonna take a drink really quickly. 139 00:27:45.540 --> 00:27:47.150 Dani Abernathy: Okay, 140 00:27:48.240 --> 00:28:02.630 Dani Abernathy: type 5 is the observing investigator. So the desire of the 5 is to be competent and capable, and their fears of being incompetent, helpless, and incapable. And so the way the way, the way, the way the way the 5 141 00:28:03.100 --> 00:28:26.050 Dani Abernathy: deals with their fear of being incompetent and incapable, is by accumulating knowledge. Knowledge helps them feel capable. So fives are researchers. They're analytical. They're observant. They typically are quite reserved because they are such observers. They're like the researcher in the field who doesn't want to disturb the thing they're observing. They're very objective, because they like 142 00:28:26.170 --> 00:28:44.950 Dani Abernathy: knowledge and logic and fact. but they're also they can be quite aloof and paranoid. It can be obsessive and distant, secretive. They don't like to reveal themselves. And they can feel like an observer of life rather than a participant. Sometimes 5 143 00:28:45.270 --> 00:28:55.589 Dani Abernathy: hives describe themselves as feeling like aliens like they're not quite human, because they are so used to observing life and feeling like outside of it. 144 00:28:56.730 --> 00:29:17.770 Dani Abernathy: So fives gain love by keeping it at a distance, actually, so that it doesn't demand too much of them. Fives fear that a relationship anything in life will demand more than they have, and it will fully drain them. So fives tend to keep intimacy and obligations and relationships at a distance. 145 00:29:18.350 --> 00:29:23.859 Dani Abernathy: and then they get into trouble because they they are avoiding interaction in a way to conserve their energy. 146 00:29:24.830 --> 00:29:50.709 So here's some fives you'll see quite a variety here, you know, we've got Bill Gates, who's like maybe one more typical 5. What you think of kind of this nerdy intellectual? We've got Jane Goodall, but we've also got like some kind of eclectic eccentric fives who are, you know, artists? Octavia Butler is here. There's not as many fives who are like performers like actors. It's it's harder to find actors who are fives. 147 00:29:50.880 --> 00:30:02.299 Dani Abernathy: so fives are sages. They're they're very wise. They can be like wizards like Gandalf. Investigators, misanthropes. So fives are the type that are most likely to. 148 00:30:02.760 --> 00:30:20.750 Dani Abernathy: We talk about in the anagram at the bottom of the anagram. There's kind of this gap between the 5 and the 4, and it's like this whole of like existential dread. And so the 5 and the 4 kind of border this on the 5 is like looking down this hole, and they're like it is all pointless. We should all just die. 149 00:30:20.760 --> 00:30:27.929 Dani Abernathy: So fives can get into a really negative space sometimes. But fives are philosophers. They're scientists. 150 00:30:27.990 --> 00:30:33.949 Dani Abernathy: sometimes mad scientists. They're experts. They can be kind of a bit robotic. 151 00:30:34.160 --> 00:30:49.999 Dani Abernathy: Iconoclas fear mongering archivists, mathematicians, professors, voyeurs, because fives feel so distant, and they they love to observe, they can just kind of become Voyeur's nerds, inventors, spies. 152 00:30:50.140 --> 00:30:59.920 fives, blend into the background. They actually don't want to be seen a lot of the time, and so they could be excellent spies. They're artists, Scrooge hackers. 153 00:31:00.230 --> 00:31:20.970 Dani Abernathy: or like coders, alchemists, authors, hermits, eccentrics, fives. As authors tend to have really big worlds. So like, if you're writing speculative fiction, the world, the history, the backstory, it goes on forever and ever, because fives enjoy living in the idea and their research. Right? 154 00:31:21.820 --> 00:31:25.610 Dani Abernathy: Okay, let's talk about sixes. The loyal questioner 155 00:31:27.480 --> 00:31:48.980 Dani Abernathy: the desire 6 is to have security, support, and safety, and the fear of the 6 is up being without support and guidance. So sixes don't trust themselves. They don't trust their own like knowing and intuition, and so they look for something else to trust. So maybe a person that may be a political ideology, a religion. 156 00:31:49.260 --> 00:31:51.570 Dani Abernathy: Our relationship 157 00:31:52.560 --> 00:32:03.599 sixes are problem solvers. They're planners. They're proactive. They're thoughtful and responsible. Sixes are one of the types we have the most of in the world. We need them to keep the world running. 158 00:32:03.690 --> 00:32:33.540 Dani Abernathy: They're very group aware. Sixes tend to be the type who are most aware of like us and them, or the rules and regulations of the group they're in. So 6 is tend to be identified with our religion, a a political ideology of an organization like there's something that they can belong to or they may reject it be like? No, I don't. I'm a rebel. I don't belong to that, but they're still aware of it. 159 00:32:35.020 --> 00:32:43.310 Dani Abernathy: Sixes can also be catastrophizing a suspicious and decisive, fearful, and quick to feel betrayed because 160 00:32:44.080 --> 00:33:06.910 Dani Abernathy: and I keep going. So success gain love by being loyal to someone who, they feel is more competent, confident or self-assured than they are. and they get into trouble by testing people their own relationships with to see if that person is legit, honest or loyal. Sixes are always looking for the holes or the gaps they're always scanning for threat 161 00:33:06.960 --> 00:33:18.340 Dani Abernathy: so that they can deal with it, and that includes in people. So they're very aware of, like hypocrisy are little like chinks in the armor, and so they 162 00:33:18.370 --> 00:33:27.669 Dani Abernathy: they will test you, and they're quick to feel betrayed. They're the kind of person who will like just cut off a relationship. If you've ever cut off a relationship. 163 00:33:27.740 --> 00:33:29.920 Dani Abernathy: you might be 6. 164 00:33:31.070 --> 00:33:48.209 Dani Abernathy: So here's some sixes. You'll see there's quite a wide variety here, like Postmolon and Nicki Minaj. Who are these kind of like more flamboyant rebellious even Olivia Rodrigo like kind of in your face, and you've got Kamala Harris. Malcolm X. Is like this, you know, strong like 165 00:33:48.340 --> 00:34:03.370 Dani Abernathy: world changer. You've got Charles Panson, who did some terrible things. Amy Schumer. A lot of comedians are sixes, because sixes are so aware of like potential, terrible things that can happen in the world. 166 00:34:03.560 --> 00:34:14.499 Dani Abernathy: So sixes are stewards, their friends, their defenders. They're also persecutors. So the 6 is the type most likely to be like 167 00:34:15.610 --> 00:34:39.719 Dani Abernathy: to to find. If a leader, for example, is actually harming people. The 6 is the one who's gonna gather all the information and make a plan to take that person down. And they're gonna take them down because they deal with threats. Sixes. They're the whistleblower. They're the problem solver. They're both cowards and like daredevils. Everyday hero. They have this kind of vacillating relationship with fear. 168 00:34:39.719 --> 00:34:47.880 Dani Abernathy: Where they're either fear is controlling them. It's paralyzing them, or they are like moving against fear to like be in its face to deal with it by 169 00:34:47.880 --> 00:35:12.550 doing the thing that scares them. They can be naysayers. They're like the boy or girl next door. They can be conspiracy theorists. They're definitely skeptics, loyalists, rebels, rebels, provocateurs, warriors, detectives. They're very great at finding out what's really going on. Emts. They're excellent in an emergency because they've already thought through every possible outcome and what to do. If it happens? 170 00:35:12.580 --> 00:35:25.380 Dani Abernathy: They they are followers, but they're also kind of be great leaders, and they can also be rule enforcers. So like taking on the role of a police officer, for example, they make great comedians and their critics. 171 00:35:26.780 --> 00:35:30.769 Okay, so a 7 is the visionary optimist. 172 00:35:31.070 --> 00:35:35.919 Dani Abernathy: Sevens want to be happy and fulfilled, and to have all their needs met. 173 00:35:36.010 --> 00:35:59.679 and their fears of being deprived or stuck in a painful or boring situation. So sevens keep moving. They keep moving toward the next idea. The next thing they think is gonna like be fun and exciting and energizing. They'd love to live on the idea, the world of ideas even more than like that idea becoming a reality. Often they're so excited about the idea. And then when it actually happens, they're like, 174 00:35:59.770 --> 00:36:17.279 Dani Abernathy: I'm done. Let's can we? Can we do something else? But because because they don't wanna be bored, they don't wanna be stuck in in there. They're afraid that if they open up this door to the pain or the boredom they're gonna get stuck there forever. It's gonna suck them in. And they're never gonna be able to get out. 175 00:36:20.520 --> 00:36:46.329 Dani Abernathy: So sevens are spontaneous, playful, adventurous, optimistic, creative. Everyone loves to be around to 7, because they're just fun. They're fun people. They're entertaining. They know how to have a good time and make you have a good time, that they can also be scattered and impulsive, dismissive because they they rationalize negative experiences or emotions. They don't wanna deal with them, they minimize them, and they can be quite impatient. 176 00:36:46.740 --> 00:36:57.389 Dani Abernathy: So the 7 gains love by being fun and happy and living in a world of possibilities. but they get into trouble because they can be unreliable and unwilling to commit. 177 00:37:00.390 --> 00:37:02.680 Dani Abernathy: Alright. Let's check out some sevens 178 00:37:06.510 --> 00:37:12.339 Dani Abernathy: again. There's quite a variety here, like Steve Jobs. Is this visionary 179 00:37:14.170 --> 00:37:27.570 Dani Abernathy: Matthew Johnson and Miley Cyrus. I think the 7 can be quite avant-garde, and like flamboyant and expressive externally, and how they appear. I think Robin Williams is is an excellent example of a 7, both because he was 180 00:37:27.580 --> 00:37:34.230 Dani Abernathy: you know. His. His humor was like almost frenetic hyper thing. But then he also, as we know, had this deep sadness that 181 00:37:35.360 --> 00:37:48.330 Dani Abernathy: that I think he probably lived, avoiding much of his life. And then George W. Bush is awesome. 7, which I think is maybe part of part of why some people didn't take him very seriously. As a president. 182 00:37:48.540 --> 00:37:59.059 Dani Abernathy: so sevens. They're visionaries. They're trendsetters, free spirits, very egalitarian. They can be flakes, they are flirtatious and charming. 183 00:37:59.120 --> 00:38:03.099 They're leaders, excellent leaders. They always have ideas. 184 00:38:03.220 --> 00:38:09.739 Dani Abernathy: They're comedians. Sevens can say things are really cutting through comedy that other types can't get away with 185 00:38:10.100 --> 00:38:14.910 because they kind of have this like gesture like archetype that they fill. 186 00:38:15.270 --> 00:38:35.030 Dani Abernathy: They're adventurers. They're like the tigger of the Enneagram. The hungry ghost, a salesperson, libertine scatterbrain. They're the party boy or girl, socialite trickster, fashionista Gorman. They they wanna suck them or out of life. They wanna experience everything. They don't wanna miss out on anything. 187 00:38:35.700 --> 00:38:42.070 Dani Abernathy: They're influencers. There can be superficial entertainers. They're like sharks like business sharks. 188 00:38:42.080 --> 00:38:43.539 and they're off on guard. 189 00:38:44.060 --> 00:38:55.390 Dani Abernathy: Okay. I've got 2 types left. Y'all, we can do it actually to Google, hungry, go standard out, just Google it. So a powerful protector 190 00:38:56.360 --> 00:39:08.330 is an 8. Their desire is to be in control of and protect themselves, and they fear being vulnerable and powerless and under someone else's control. So apes often have an experience in their life when something 191 00:39:09.110 --> 00:39:19.440 Dani Abernathy: bad happens, and it kind of flips the world on its head, and they realize, oh, I'm not safe. I have to protect myself. I can't be weak, I can't have vulnerabilities. 192 00:39:19.630 --> 00:39:30.380 Dani Abernathy: so aids are strategic, protective, self-confident, determined, and fearless, but they can also be aggressive, impatient, stubborn. 193 00:39:30.450 --> 00:39:54.149 Dani Abernathy: domineering, and they won't admit their own weaknesses and vulnerabilities. So they gain love by trying to have no weaknesses, by being the strong ones, and by protecting their loved ones, but they get into trouble because they can be too blunt. They can feel to consider other people's weaknesses or vulnerabilities, or even like needs and emotions and desires. 194 00:39:55.430 --> 00:39:59.299 Dani Abernathy: So here's some examples of eights 195 00:39:59.930 --> 00:40:05.819 Dani Abernathy: again. We've got Donald Trump and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 196 00:40:06.840 --> 00:40:17.200 Dani Abernathy: Jim Jones, who was responsible for many, many deaths. He's a cult leader, and we've got like these celebrities, Joan, Jet, Billy, idol, pink 197 00:40:17.340 --> 00:40:28.439 Dani Abernathy: Queen Latifah their eights. These, like strong sort of in your face like you're not gonna mess with me 5. That's the vibe of a 7 or an 8. 198 00:40:28.450 --> 00:40:30.979 Dani Abernathy: And then Bruce Lee is obviously like 199 00:40:31.250 --> 00:40:33.249 Dani Abernathy: physically strong. Right. 200 00:40:34.410 --> 00:40:42.229 Dani Abernathy: Amachi. I'm not sure if I'm actually saying her name right, but she's like the hugging saint she has this like hugging sort of ministry or 201 00:40:42.390 --> 00:41:00.749 Dani Abernathy: in in India. Okay? So 8, they're protectors, mavericks, brutes, leaders. They're they're naturally leaders. They're also forces on nature like you can't escape the energy of an 8 they're often have, like big physical presences as well. 202 00:41:00.810 --> 00:41:15.120 Dani Abernathy: They're powerhouses, their cynics. They're like the patriarch or the matriarch in like a godfather kind of way like they control the family right? They're hedonists. They want all of everything they want more and more. 203 00:41:15.250 --> 00:41:32.829 Dani Abernathy: They're opportunists, vigilantes, prize fighters they can be CEO's rebels. Predators like this bouncer kind of vibe bosses a grizzly bear, both like in the threatening way, but also in like the mama bear kind of protecting way. 204 00:41:32.960 --> 00:41:41.510 Dani Abernathy: Bullies, tyrants, survivalists, the bad girl or boy. They're the bad girl boy, the the bad non binary person of the 205 00:41:41.680 --> 00:41:50.289 Dani Abernathy: a rake, an activist. Okay? So 9, type 9 is the adaptive peacemaker. This is the last type we're gonna talk about. 206 00:41:50.640 --> 00:42:12.309 So 9 desire of the 9 is to have inner peace and stability and harmony, and they fear loss, separation. So, because the 9 so much desires to have peace and stability in their life, they will fall asleep to themselves, to their own desires and wants, and they will put themselves. They will defer to everyone else's desires and needs and preferences 207 00:42:12.410 --> 00:42:14.409 in in order to keep the peace 208 00:42:14.880 --> 00:42:22.589 Dani Abernathy: which actually means the nines. The nines are the angriest type in the anagram. They've just. They've just repressed it so much that they don't have access to it. 209 00:42:22.710 --> 00:42:28.350 Dani Abernathy: So if it does come out, Whoa! It's a lot of anchor, my partners and 9. We have 210 00:42:29.270 --> 00:42:41.640 Dani Abernathy: this interesting. We're growing a lot together these days. Okay, so nines are calm and accepting. They're intuitive. My partner just knows things about me all the time, and I'm like I did not tell you that yet. You're not supposed to know that yet. 211 00:42:41.870 --> 00:43:10.300 Dani Abernathy: That kind adaptable. They're able to understand everyone's perspective. So they're at the top of the any gram circle. And we kinda see like they can see all the other types and understand them because they sit at the top, they can also be checked out and of waiting self, abandoning, passive, aggressive, stubborn. Because nines has they spend so much energy cutting themselves off from their own desires. They kinda tend to live in this fantasy world, and they numb out, that's how they 212 00:43:10.880 --> 00:43:17.450 Dani Abernathy: that's how they are able to spend so much energy pushing down their own desires 213 00:43:17.640 --> 00:43:31.980 Dani Abernathy: is by engaging in a fantasy world whether it's a book or gamers. A lot of nines are gamers, or there's always some sort of release activity where they can kinda num out and be in enveloped in 214 00:43:32.750 --> 00:43:59.830 Dani Abernathy: so nines gave love, gain love by suppressing themselves in favor of other others, desires and preferences. but they get into trouble by being dismissive or inattentive, or emotionally unavailable. So I'm a 4. My partner's a 9, and as a 4 I am an emotional vampire. I thrive on emotional intensity, and my partner, my sweet 9 of a partner, is like Babe. I do not. Wanna. 215 00:43:59.930 --> 00:44:07.860 Dani Abernathy: I don't wanna talk about this because it's so threatening to him, to our relationships. It's a really interesting dynamic cause. I'm like 216 00:44:08.190 --> 00:44:15.459 Dani Abernathy: poking poking for an emotional response, and he does not want it. Make simple, very 217 00:44:15.520 --> 00:44:23.020 Dani Abernathy: manipulated and unsafe, which is not a thing a 9 likes. Alright. So here's some lines. 218 00:44:25.210 --> 00:44:36.099 Dani Abernathy: Nines are equalizers. They're they're the rock of the anagram. They're stable. They're healers and mediators, counselors. They kind of have this like surfer or Hippie Vibe. 219 00:44:36.240 --> 00:44:45.960 Dani Abernathy: They can be of a bit of a automaton like just acting in response to other people really like, it's like, Okay, you program me and what you want me to do, and I'll do it. 220 00:44:46.060 --> 00:44:53.129 Dani Abernathy: they can be neglectful. They can also be resistors like resistant to 221 00:44:54.330 --> 00:45:05.550 Dani Abernathy: systems, but also just in relationships. They're peacemakers, dreamers. Oh, my gosh! Nines are such dreamers. They live in these fantasy worlds. And as writers, nines and fives typically have the biggest worlds 222 00:45:05.680 --> 00:45:08.810 Dani Abernathy: because nines want to escape into this world. 223 00:45:08.820 --> 00:45:18.999 they can create their own worlds right? Nines can be doormats. They're often like coders or gamers. A lot of my 9 clients are in the tech world, which is interesting. 224 00:45:19.030 --> 00:45:32.230 Dani Abernathy: They're coaches, nomads, bystanders, craftspersons. Listener! Philosophers! Oh, my gosh! And ramblers! If you get a 9 talking. The communication style of a 9 is rambling 225 00:45:32.260 --> 00:45:49.869 Dani Abernathy: collector, author, pushover, idealist, but their idealist, So once fours and sevens on the anagram are like the idealist triad, because they are always aware of what could be. So. They're very frustrated in the moment. But a 9 is an idealist in the way alike 226 00:45:50.620 --> 00:46:03.549 Dani Abernathy: we could. We could all be living in peace, you know. They kind of they like like like Nelson Mandela. Here, you know, they they almost have a more practical way of being an idealist 227 00:46:03.750 --> 00:46:22.819 Dani Abernathy: because they bring about the piece that could be okay. We got through the types hooray. So I'm gonna give you just 2 methods to implement that anygram in your writing. There's a ton we could get into an anagram. And in the rooted writers mentorship. I give you a lot of like 228 00:46:22.990 --> 00:46:40.499 Dani Abernathy: information about the integrand, but ways to implement it. But I just want to give you 2 methods today to help you kind of dive in a little bit. So the first one I want you can either these are 2 different approaches. Build the story around your characters or build characters around your story. 229 00:46:40.920 --> 00:46:53.229 So before we talk about those I want you to think about, like what are the most important elements of your novel to you? Is it the characters, personalities like, are you like? Oh, no! This character is this person. I know what they're like. 230 00:46:53.360 --> 00:46:56.989 Is it the dynamic between the characters. Is it the tropes. 231 00:46:57.150 --> 00:47:18.539 Dani Abernathy: or is it like a central theme or idea you want to explore? So, for example, if you are writing from your own personal experience. Perhaps you're a person with a disability, and you're writing a romance about a disabled person. Maybe there's some elements of that that you you wanna communicate to your reader. So think about which of these elements is most important to you, because that's gonna help, you know which method to employ. 232 00:47:18.820 --> 00:47:32.740 Dani Abernathy: So method one is, build your story around your characters. So this is best. When you feel very clear about who your characters are. Maybe they came to you first, there's a certain dynamic you want between your characters or your like 233 00:47:32.990 --> 00:47:37.690 Dani Abernathy: writing a specific personality trope like an alpha male, for example. 234 00:47:37.710 --> 00:47:46.630 So in this case, you want to identify the most important elements of your character's personalities. So what's like non-negotiable about them? What are you unwilling to change about these characters? 235 00:47:46.700 --> 00:48:01.869 Dani Abernathy: And if what are the personality? Tropes of that character, that specific character? I don't mean trope like enemies to lovers, I mean trope like alpha male person, you know, kid, next door. That kind of thing, my kid, not child. But anyway. 236 00:48:01.990 --> 00:48:08.409 Dani Abernathy: So what are what are those elements of the character? And then what Instagram types best match those traits. 237 00:48:08.830 --> 00:48:20.840 Dani Abernathy: And then, once you know that type, you're gonna deepen that character so that you can identify the desires and fears of the back and the backstory of that character, so that the character becomes a real person. 238 00:48:20.890 --> 00:48:33.269 Dani Abernathy: Because tropes do not a story make. We need to move from a trope to a character. If you only have a trope, your book is not, gonna be good. People are not gonna like it. We wanna make these real characters. 239 00:48:33.710 --> 00:48:40.169 Dani Abernathy: Okay. So, for example, if your character is fun and quirky and spontaneous of interest, there probably is 7 right. 240 00:48:40.180 --> 00:48:50.590 But now that you know there's 7. You can say, Okay, my character is fun and quirky on spontaneous. They can't stop moving, because if they stop moving they're afraid that this 241 00:48:50.780 --> 00:49:00.240 Dani Abernathy: terrible thing from their past. This wound from their past is going to catch up to them, and that's why they can't be present with the person who's falling in love with them. 242 00:49:00.540 --> 00:49:01.460 Dani Abernathy: Right? 243 00:49:03.400 --> 00:49:16.869 Dani Abernathy: I hear a dog. I think my dog is here chewing. Okay? Another example. If your character is serious, reliable, focused on the rules comes through in a crisis, always does what's right. They might be a one or a 6. 244 00:49:16.900 --> 00:49:29.559 So there's some variance here, right? There might be a couple types that fit. And so then you get to pick. Which flavor do you want? Do you want the flavor of a one? Do you want the flavor of a 6. What's the what's the 245 00:49:29.830 --> 00:49:33.219 Dani Abernathy: Yeah. How do you want that character? Show up? 246 00:49:33.300 --> 00:49:49.420 Dani Abernathy: If you want an alpha male who's possessive and strong, strong, silent kind of Alpha male. You might want an 8, a one, or a 3 8 is the obvious choice, because they're kind of like the bear protector, but ones can be quite, quite Alf mail depending on, and threes as well. 247 00:49:49.450 --> 00:49:53.770 Dani Abernathy: So let's look at the second method, which is, build your characters around your story. 248 00:49:53.820 --> 00:50:04.009 So when this this is best, when you have an idea or theme that's really important to you that you want to explore when you want to say something specific about love, about how to be in love, about who deserves love. 249 00:50:04.130 --> 00:50:17.979 Dani Abernathy: Also, if you're writing from a lived experience, this might be the approach you want to take. Or if you wanna write a book not like a beach, read romance, but like a more ugly cry, romance! This might be their approach you want to take. 250 00:50:18.670 --> 00:50:31.139 Dani Abernathy: So here you're going to find your point, and your point is one sentence that captures the world, view or message of your novel. I'll give you a couple examples in a minute. and then you're gonna think about what misbelief 251 00:50:31.190 --> 00:50:48.590 Dani Abernathy: does my character hold in the beginning? That is the opposite of this point. What do they need to learn in order to be able to believe this point and thus find love? Because, as they pull as they learn, your point is, can enable them to be in love with this person that they love. 252 00:50:48.840 --> 00:51:03.940 Dani Abernathy: and then you can figure out which type is most likely to hold that misbelief or need to learn that lesson, and you can craft the character around the thing they need to learn so that it feels cohesive and it feels real, feels like a real person. So some examples. 253 00:51:04.450 --> 00:51:08.399 Dani Abernathy: if your point is true, love requires trust. 254 00:51:08.760 --> 00:51:21.530 Dani Abernathy: your first character might believe in the beginning of the book. If I let anyone in they'll hurt me so I will keep everyone in a distance. They don't trust anyone right? So they're an 8. They're gonna not have any weakness, or they could be a 5. 255 00:51:21.690 --> 00:51:37.859 Dani Abernathy: Yeah, probably not a 5, anyway. So obviously, there's more than one type you can pick right? So you gotta pick the right flavor for your book. And then character 2 believes people are never what they seem. They're just trustful people. They don't trust the facade. My dog is breaking dishes 256 00:51:38.550 --> 00:51:50.350 Dani Abernathy: stock. So they're gonna be a type 6. So now that you know these 2 types 8 and the 6 you get to play with the dynamics between the types figure how they interact so that they feel real. 257 00:51:51.040 --> 00:51:52.779 One more example for you. 258 00:51:53.040 --> 00:51:57.209 Dani Abernathy: if your point is, you can't love anyone else until you love yourself. 259 00:51:57.440 --> 00:52:09.209 Your first character might think there's something broken about me, so I need to do my best to hide and suppress that thing. that misbelief is most likely to be held by a 4 or a one. 260 00:52:11.030 --> 00:52:16.039 Dani Abernathy: and then the second character thinks I'm only worthy of love if I earn it, that misbelief 261 00:52:16.080 --> 00:52:31.870 is likely to be held by 2 or 3. So you get to pick. Okay? Which of these character dynamics do I most want to play with in my story? Which character dynamics do I find most interesting? Which ones do? Do my readers most want to read about right? 262 00:52:32.480 --> 00:52:49.800 Dani Abernathy: So when you know the anagram, you can use it to do all these things, you can find speech patterns for each anagram type, mannerisms like style and appearance. What puts them into like fight mode, how they behave in conflict. You can differentiate between your characters so many things. 263 00:52:49.840 --> 00:53:00.600 Dani Abernathy: And the any in the Gram is gonna help you differentiate your characters, make them distinct from each other, create realistic conflict. It feels both real 264 00:53:00.640 --> 00:53:15.889 Dani Abernathy: with who the characters are, and real like to people's lives. It's gonna help you chart your character arcs. The anagram is actually a system for personal growth. So it helps. You know how characters need to grow. It's gonna help you build characters that feel real and resonant. 265 00:53:15.910 --> 00:53:20.999 You can make your characters the best or worst version of themselves through the Enneagram 266 00:53:21.110 --> 00:53:32.189 Dani Abernathy: can find the right antagonist for your protagonist. So if you know one character type. you can build the other characters around that type to challenge them or to support them. 267 00:53:32.700 --> 00:53:38.690 Dani Abernathy: build a balanced cast and then create these irresistible character dynamics. Okay. 268 00:53:39.310 --> 00:53:50.329 I'm done talking about the Instagram. Y'all you can go grab the cheat sheet if you want it has some resources. Some other things we didn't talk about here. Has links to my favorite any Gram tests. 269 00:53:50.880 --> 00:53:54.689 Dani Abernathy: So if you haven't done that yet, you can go to that. There's the link. 270 00:53:54.810 --> 00:54:13.570 Dani Abernathy: Also, if you are interested in using the anygram in your process, and you would like support in your process. I encourage you to check out the rudy writers mentorship. It's a wonderful program, or just a lovely bunch of bookish weirdos. And it's the mentorship's kind of different from from any other writing program that I'm aware of out there. 271 00:54:14.390 --> 00:54:29.009 Dani Abernathy: So you can learn about the mentorship on my website, Danny abernathy.com slash mentorship. You can get the cheat sheet. I also have an untapped superpower quiz on my website that'll pop up. And I'm on Instagram at Danny Abernathy author. 272 00:54:29.570 --> 00:54:34.880 Okay, I'm gonna answer questions now. Thanks for bearing with me and my voice. 273 00:54:35.170 --> 00:54:37.400 Dani Abernathy: Okay, I'm gonna get a drink. 274 00:54:41.770 --> 00:54:56.759 Dani Abernathy: Okay? Brittany asked. I'd be interested in knowing how being neurodivergent affects what type you are. Yeah. So it's really interesting. It's a complex question, right? Because we're people. Right? So we have distinct brains, our bodies. We have unique 275 00:54:57.030 --> 00:55:03.319 Dani Abernathy: lived experiences based on who we are. And we also have trauma. So 276 00:55:04.040 --> 00:55:16.799 Dani Abernathy: sometimes it's hard to figure out whether it's, you know. But like I have, major, recurrent depression is in my depression. Is that why, I think I'm a 4, or am I actually a 4? It can take a while to sort through. 277 00:55:19.130 --> 00:55:26.110 Dani Abernathy: There's not a short answer to this question, Britney. If we were having a one on one conversation I would ask you more questions about it. But 278 00:55:26.420 --> 00:55:32.400 Dani Abernathy: II think, really lean into. If you explore the fears and the desire of the type? 279 00:55:32.540 --> 00:55:35.719 Maybe listen to some instagram podcasts. 280 00:55:35.930 --> 00:55:49.279 Dani Abernathy: do you know, you is is the podcast my innigram teachers do. And they they talked about the innigram in really interesting ways that might help you kind of 0 in on whether your type is actually your type. 281 00:55:50.050 --> 00:56:08.179 Dani Abernathy: Sophia, can people change their type over time or due to big events? I would say, no, but there are. Your type stays the same, but obviously, you grow and change, and there's a lot of movement within the. So you share a lot of traits with people. 282 00:56:08.230 --> 00:56:13.479 Dani Abernathy: And you know, perhaps unless you've had a brain injury or something, then perhaps your type would change. 283 00:56:13.530 --> 00:56:16.719 Certainly we can heal, and we or 284 00:56:16.770 --> 00:56:19.620 Dani Abernathy: not heal 285 00:56:20.660 --> 00:56:33.030 Dani Abernathy: So I think the core desires and fears stay the same. And so that's what determines our type. So our type doesn't change. But the way we show up in the world certainly can 286 00:56:35.030 --> 00:56:53.430 Dani Abernathy: wings. So there's a lot of different ways that we share types. So wings on the Instagram, the types that are next to you on the Instagram circle. Those are your wings. So you share traits from those so like, I'm a 4. But I have a lot of 5 in me. Also have a lot of 3 in me. I now know as a business owner like I wanna be successful. I wanna make money. 287 00:56:53.590 --> 00:56:57.629 Dani Abernathy: but not at the sake of sacrificing myself or hurting people. 288 00:56:57.640 --> 00:56:59.420 And 289 00:56:59.990 --> 00:57:37.039 Dani Abernathy: so your core type is always gonna be the same. But you can have traits from other types. There's also this theory called tri-type, which I really like or try fix. And again, there's a lot in the anagram. But the idea is that there's 3 centers of the enigram, the the gut or instinctive, the heart or emotional, and then the the head or intellectual center, and you have a primary type within each one of those centers, because as a person you have a body, you have a brain, you have emotions. So my tri-type, as far as I understand it right now is a 4, 1, 6. So that means that I share these and these traits and these motives of these 3 types. 290 00:57:37.040 --> 00:57:40.400 And so that's a way that you might have traits from another type. 291 00:57:40.430 --> 00:57:43.950 Dani Abernathy: There's a lot of depth here in this in this question. 292 00:57:44.000 --> 00:57:50.399 Dani Abernathy: I haven't actually seen Stella got our brute group back, so I don't know 293 00:57:50.480 --> 00:57:54.390 Dani Abernathy: hope if she'd be an 8. But if anyone else wants to contribute there. 294 00:57:55.870 --> 00:58:05.579 Dani Abernathy: how to use the Instagram to show character arc the change in the character from start to end of the book can the Instagram change? So the anagram type would not change. But 295 00:58:07.380 --> 00:58:13.589 Dani Abernathy: so the anyogram within the anagram there is actually like the levels of development. So you 296 00:58:13.660 --> 00:58:22.749 Dani Abernathy: they have listed out like at their worst. This is what a type 2 looks like and at their best. This is what they look like. So you can actually see, like, okay, a type 2 is at their worst 297 00:58:22.760 --> 00:58:27.879 Dani Abernathy: would be doing these things, and so you can use it to kind of 298 00:58:28.430 --> 00:58:44.669 Dani Abernathy: illustrate their behavior. But also it helps. You understand what they believe. And I think impactful character arcs come from belief, so as a character's belief changes, their behavior changes, and it can help. You know how that character sees the world, what they believe and how their belief needs to change. 299 00:58:45.830 --> 00:58:51.690 Dani Abernathy: Can you take the test as a character to try to figure out which one they are? 300 00:58:51.780 --> 00:58:57.020 Dani Abernathy: you could, I think it 301 00:58:58.270 --> 00:59:04.009 Dani Abernathy: you could. I think it's gonna be more helpful to assign your character a type actually, and just create them around the type. 302 00:59:04.310 --> 00:59:06.920 Dani Abernathy: yeah. 303 00:59:08.400 --> 00:59:15.520 Dani Abernathy: hipaa. Can you speak to the idea of using wings or highest evolution of the type to craft character? Let me know if I answered your question 304 00:59:15.620 --> 00:59:17.630 because I just worked both those things. 305 00:59:18.260 --> 00:59:32.130 Dani Abernathy: Can you be a combination of 2 numbers, such as a one and a 9? So one and 9 are next to each other on the Instagram. So, and a one can have a 9 wing. A 9 can have a one wing. But also, as I just mentioned, there's tri-type theory as well. 306 00:59:40.780 --> 00:59:54.740 Dani Abernathy: Is there certain numbers that work well together. numbers that tend to be best friends, love interest enemies with that number? Yeah. So I actually, I really wanted to like, meet you guys like a spreadsheet of like, how characters interact. 307 00:59:55.060 --> 01:00:13.219 Dani Abernathy: But that's like a long term project for me. If you go to the Institute, they actually have a place where you can look up type interaction. So you can go to like Type 3, and look how? How? Type 3 and type 7 interact. So that's a really great way to 308 01:00:13.720 --> 01:00:27.080 Dani Abernathy: to look at how types interact things that come to mind a 2 and a 5, because the 2 wants to give so much love in order to get love, and the 5 is really afraid of too much being demanded of them. Twos and fives can have really interesting dynamic. 309 01:00:27.400 --> 01:00:37.590 Dani Abernathy: But would you want to write that in a romance? I don't know it, you know it depends. I think it's really about like, what dynamics are you wanting to play with. 310 01:00:38.330 --> 01:00:54.379 Dani Abernathy: and which types have opposing viewpoints on that dynamic. So, for example, personal responsibility. A one in a 4 would have different and interesting takes, and one is so hyper responsible, and a 4 feels 311 01:00:54.700 --> 01:01:05.559 Dani Abernathy: not neglect neglected. exempt from doing a lot of things a one would feel obligated to do. So. 312 01:01:06.890 --> 01:01:07.700 Dani Abernathy: Yeah. 313 01:01:08.880 --> 01:01:13.040 Dani Abernathy: okay. I think that's all the questions. 314 01:01:13.440 --> 01:01:34.719 Dani Abernathy: Thank you all so much. Thanks for pairing with my voice. Thank you, Danny. That was great. There's so much great positive feedback in the chat, and it's been such an informative session, and your voice held up really well, thanks for still being with us, despite feeling under the weather. We appreciate it. 315 01:01:34.720 --> 01:01:54.899 and everybody, the resources from Danny, the replay, the slides. Everything will be up on the hub shortly, so please go there to check everything out, and we have our next session coming up in just under an hour. It's an interview with Author Suzanne Park. So you don't want to miss that, and we will see you next time. Thanks, everybody.