WEBVTT 1 00:00:07.300 --> 00:00:17.410 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Welcome everyone welcome if you can see and hear me drop your location in the chat so we can see where you are joining us from. 2 00:00:18.010 --> 00:00:23.979 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and we can make sure that audio and visual visual are working as needed. 3 00:00:24.640 --> 00:00:27.230 Michelle at ProWritingAid: See Vermont, Colorado. 4 00:00:27.560 --> 00:00:34.469 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Welcome North Carolina, Italy, Canada, New Jersey, Idaho, Colorado, New Mexico. 5 00:00:34.940 --> 00:00:39.050 Michelle at ProWritingAid: It looks like you can see and hear me. Just fine. So that is great 6 00:00:39.060 --> 00:00:48.709 Michelle at ProWritingAid: welcome. I am Michelle with prowriting aid, and I'm so happy to be here with you for our second session in our Nanowrimo takeover. 7 00:00:50.060 --> 00:01:00.949 Michelle at ProWritingAid: We will get started here in just a moment. I'm going to drop some links in the chat for you now, and I will drop these intermittently throughout the session today as well. 8 00:01:01.710 --> 00:01:12.579 Michelle at ProWritingAid: But today's session craft, compelling character arcs is the second and the 4 part edit to Excellence Webinar Series. We are doing this month for our Nanowrimo August Takeover. 9 00:01:12.810 --> 00:01:35.370 Michelle at ProWritingAid: We at prowriting aid are proud sponsors of Nanowrimo, and we love connecting with you all in the writing community. So we're so glad you're here. Prowriting aid is a digital toolkit for storytellers designed to elevate your prose and streamline your editing process. Our mission is to give storytellers, writers like yourselves the power to craft your story and bring it to life. 10 00:01:35.390 --> 00:01:47.199 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So, in addition to our software product, we host free events all year round, just like these, including genre specific webinar weeks as well as webinars and workshops like the one you're in now. 11 00:01:47.330 --> 00:02:04.310 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Our next writing event, Science Fiction writers week will be coming up September 9th through the 13, th and the registration is officially launched and open. So if you would like to join us there, I'll drop the links in the chat for you again. But they are the sign up. Link is there. 12 00:02:05.280 --> 00:02:31.319 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and we would love to have you to edit the edit to excellence, replays to access them. Sorry not to edit them to access the edit to excellence. Replays session slides, schedule, and special discount offer for Nano participants. Be sure to visit the Hub page link, which is also in the links in the chat. That's where you will find the schedule of events, everything you need for this webinar series. And with that being said, we're ready to begin. So 13 00:02:32.130 --> 00:02:58.819 Michelle at ProWritingAid: what we will cover today, what a character arc is! Why, having a compelling character arc is so important examples of character arcs and exercises to get us writing as we're going through the material today, feel free to use the chat to share examples of character arcs that you're familiar with. Whenever you are chatting. Just make sure that you select everyone in the dropdown menu beside the word to, otherwise by default 14 00:02:58.820 --> 00:03:06.860 Michelle at ProWritingAid: your message will just come to me. So feel free to share, and then we will also do writing sprints together as well. 15 00:03:07.070 --> 00:03:08.430 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So let's dive in. 16 00:03:08.610 --> 00:03:31.539 Michelle at ProWritingAid: We're going to begin by understanding character arcs. So first, st what is a character arc? A character arc is the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story, and there are different types of character arcs. We have a positive character arc. Where a character grows and improves, we have the negative arc, where a character deterior deteriorates or fails throughout the course of the story. 17 00:03:31.540 --> 00:03:52.579 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and then the flat arc where character remains consistent, but changes the world around them. So if you think of any of your favorite types of these character arcs. Any examples that you know of? Drop them in the chat, share with each other? And we can see what you all like. We're also going to go over examples, too, but if there are any that immediately stick out in your mind, let us know. 18 00:04:05.560 --> 00:04:07.310 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Proto baggins. Yep. 19 00:04:08.164 --> 00:04:20.859 Michelle at ProWritingAid: we have 10 hero. I hope, I said, that correctly from Demon Slayer is a good example of a flat arc changing world around him. Nancy drew flat character. Yeah, flat character arc. That is great good examples. 20 00:04:22.480 --> 00:04:28.580 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So oh, yeah, Dorothy, from Wizard of Oz, Percy Jackson. Yes, those are all great examples. 21 00:04:29.825 --> 00:04:39.310 Michelle at ProWritingAid: I do see that someone has raised a hand. I'm unable to call on you, but you can use the chat to type out anything that you have a question on. 22 00:04:39.640 --> 00:04:41.470 Michelle at ProWritingAid: or anything you'd like to share. 23 00:04:42.350 --> 00:04:50.339 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So why are these character arcs important? 1st off for engagement? So dynamic characters keep readers invested in the story. 24 00:04:50.380 --> 00:04:55.100 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Relatability, realistic journeys make characters relatable and memorable 25 00:04:55.230 --> 00:05:08.479 Michelle at ProWritingAid: theme development, character arcs can underscore the story's themes. For example, Walter White and breaking bad transforms from a mild, mannered teacher to a ruthless drug, lord highlighting themes of power and corruption. 26 00:05:09.600 --> 00:05:23.090 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So here's some examples of character arcs. And we're going to go by genre first, st we'll start with romance. So in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, we have Elizabeth Bennett, who learns to overcome her prejudices and grows in self awareness and maturity. 27 00:05:23.460 --> 00:05:30.940 Michelle at ProWritingAid: From the notebook by Nicholas Sparks, we have Noah Calhoun, who shows enduring love and devotion, growing in patience and resilience 28 00:05:32.630 --> 00:05:40.209 Michelle at ProWritingAid: for fantasy rating. We have Harry Potter. He transforms from a neglected child to a brave and self self sacrificing hero. 29 00:05:40.330 --> 00:05:50.950 Michelle at ProWritingAid: And then, in the name of the wind by Patrick Rothfus. We have and I pronounce, I apologize. If I butcher this pronunciation kvos 30 00:05:50.960 --> 00:05:56.449 Michelle at ProWritingAid: he evolves from a gifted but arrogant youth to a more mature and reflective individual 31 00:05:57.210 --> 00:06:15.960 Michelle at ProWritingAid: for crime rating. We have gone, girl, by Gillian Flynn. Nick Dunn moves from an unsuspecting husband to someone who becomes deeply entangled in his wife's manipulative games, and then in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Steve Larson, we have Lizbeth Salander, who grows from a reclusive hacker to someone who starts to open up and seek justice. 32 00:06:18.470 --> 00:06:36.140 Michelle at ProWritingAid: And I see that some of you have some of these books on your Tbr list, or you're currently reading them. So that's great. These are really famous examples. And yes, the girl with the dragon tattoo is one of my personal favorites as well as gone. Girl. So highly recommend those reads 33 00:06:36.580 --> 00:06:48.820 Michelle at ProWritingAid: how to craft compelling character arcs. So you want to start with a strong backstory. You have to understand your characters past to inform their journey. You know. What have they been through, for example, a traumatic event that shapes their worldview? 34 00:06:48.910 --> 00:06:56.770 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Do you want to set clear goals and motivations, and know what your character wants, and why, so is it. Revenge, love, redemption? 35 00:06:58.490 --> 00:07:06.819 Michelle at ProWritingAid: You want to introduce conflict and challenges. You can use obstacles to drive character growth like moral dilemmas or personal losses. 36 00:07:07.100 --> 00:07:15.230 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and then show incremental change. Let your character evolve gradually through experiences like small victories and setbacks that shape their development. 37 00:07:18.310 --> 00:07:29.739 Michelle at ProWritingAid: You want to reflect. Internal and external changes ensure that inner growth is mirrored by actions and decisions. So, for example, a character becomes more compassionate and starts helping others. 38 00:07:29.890 --> 00:07:40.649 Michelle at ProWritingAid: You also want to avoid cliches, so strive for unique and nuanced transformations. Instead of a stereotypical redemption arc, you could explore a more complex journey of self acceptance. 39 00:07:42.040 --> 00:07:44.130 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So now it's time to practice 40 00:07:45.280 --> 00:08:05.849 Michelle at ProWritingAid: how this works is. We will proceed through 4 prompts for each prompt. You will have a set of instructions and a certain amount of time to complete the prompt. At the end of the timer. You can paste your work into the chat. If you would like to share and have it read out. If you are comfortable, we won't have time to read all of the submissions, but I will try and include as many as I can. 41 00:08:07.120 --> 00:08:30.500 Michelle at ProWritingAid: so exercise one defining your character's goal. Take a moment to think about your protagonist or antagonist, and define the primary goal driving their actions and the story. This exercise will help in establishing a clear motivation. We'll have 5 min for this, and I'm going to set the timer and then feel free to share in the chat when you are finished. If you are comfortable with doing so. 42 00:13:38.910 --> 00:13:48.149 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Okay, we are out of time with Exercise one. We got a lot of great submissions in the chat. I'll just go through a few. 43 00:13:48.340 --> 00:13:55.150 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Kira, says the primary goal for my Mc. Save his brother and get his life back to normal. 44 00:13:55.950 --> 00:14:02.250 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Bridget says my protagonist has spent her entire personal and professional life serving others, desires she has. 45 00:14:02.530 --> 00:14:05.990 Michelle at ProWritingAid: She has a little time left to finally pursue her own. 46 00:14:06.370 --> 00:14:21.609 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Judith says the character reflects over her life, and thinks of people who were in her life for a very short time, but impacted her greatly. They either did her wrong teaching her how to navigate life, or they exposed a character flaw in her, inspiring her to be a better person. 47 00:14:22.500 --> 00:14:30.229 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Penny says my detective is a reporter, and she's determined to find the truth. She's a very black and white thinker, and needs a clear explanation for everything. 48 00:14:30.900 --> 00:14:35.029 Michelle at ProWritingAid: but she may need to evolve to see more nuance to people's behavior. 49 00:14:35.550 --> 00:14:37.659 Michelle at ProWritingAid: There's a lot of great ones in here. 50 00:14:37.940 --> 00:14:41.090 Michelle at ProWritingAid: You all are doing a fantastic job with this already. 51 00:14:42.330 --> 00:15:00.329 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Marcus says primarily the antagonist wants revenge. He wants humans to suffer for murdering his parents and for his ancestors being wiped out every generation. He wants to ensure that no supernatural will have to suffer the loss and pain that he has, even if that means taking away their choices and control. That sounds very interesting, Marcus. 52 00:15:03.226 --> 00:15:32.320 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Nicole says, though challenging, the goal was not impossible. Jacob considered what steps would be necessary to show climate change and adapt communities to new climates. In his coursework he found many like minded students. The hardest part wouldn't be convincing. People of the threat posed by the heating globe, but motivating leaders to take action. That sounds very interesting, too. We have a lot of great goals here, a lot of great information to work with as a starting point for your character arcs. This is fantastic. I could read these 53 00:15:32.680 --> 00:15:37.349 Michelle at ProWritingAid: all day, but I haven't lived enough time. So we're gonna move on 54 00:15:40.110 --> 00:15:43.120 Michelle at ProWritingAid: oops. My timer went instead of 55 00:15:43.540 --> 00:16:08.630 Michelle at ProWritingAid: slide. Okay? So exercise 2 identifying strengths and flaws. So now we're going to list 3 strengths and flaws of your chosen character. This will help in creating a balanced and believable character. Then describe how these affect their relationships and interactions. So we'll have 7 min for this one. Gonna start the timer now, and, as always, you may share in the chat. If you would like me to read aloud, and I will select a few 56 00:16:08.830 --> 00:16:10.560 Michelle at ProWritingAid: when we are done. 57 00:16:10.710 --> 00:16:12.630 Michelle at ProWritingAid: All right. Here we go 58 00:23:13.900 --> 00:23:15.130 Michelle at ProWritingAid: alright. 59 00:23:15.550 --> 00:23:18.489 Michelle at ProWritingAid: That is the end of time for exercise. 2. 60 00:23:18.500 --> 00:23:22.289 Michelle at ProWritingAid: We have a lot of great submissions. Here in the chat. 61 00:23:22.360 --> 00:23:32.609 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Taylor says, strengths are evasive in a world out to get him immunity to specific diseases, a subtle bedside manner, very good with a needle interesting 62 00:23:32.670 --> 00:23:44.029 Michelle at ProWritingAid: that would make for a good plot piece. Flaws, anxiety, disorder, desire for power, a voice in his head saying that maybe the bad guy has the right idea. I like it. 63 00:23:44.250 --> 00:23:49.599 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Joanna says, strengths and flaws. Gerald is a seasoned archaeologist. He knows his 64 00:23:50.053 --> 00:24:12.729 Michelle at ProWritingAid: File, and especially Chaco canyon. On the other hand, he's jealous of anyone who seems to get ahead of him and solving the mystery of the canyon. He is a deep thinker, and capable of great insight, but doesn't want to share with others, including his wife Gabriella. He is very fit for a man of his age. He is fond of his borough, Jorge, but forgetful of the Burroughs needed or his own when he is on the hunt. 65 00:24:12.850 --> 00:24:22.429 Michelle at ProWritingAid: This leads both Gabriela and Jorge to be left out of his plans, which causes him difficulty when he is stuck in a narrow niche in the canyon walls. Very interesting. 66 00:24:22.840 --> 00:24:33.700 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Jack says, character flaws easily bored and distracted, which leads to negative behavior in the form of pranks, lack of interest in the community, self, sabotaging behavior. 67 00:24:33.820 --> 00:24:43.929 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and then character strengths smart enough to come up with creative ideas, wants to belong and constantly looking for acceptance, making him flexible, cares deeply for others. 68 00:24:44.289 --> 00:25:02.839 Michelle at ProWritingAid: And this affects relationships. He wants to help and be accepted. So when an opportunity comes along for him to be creative and find solutions, he jumps at the chance he relates to the other characters, making him empathetic to their needs, making him relatable. His self sabotaging behavior is replaced with the generosity he gives to others. 69 00:25:02.940 --> 00:25:04.210 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Awesome. 70 00:25:04.940 --> 00:25:06.150 Michelle at ProWritingAid: See. 71 00:25:06.160 --> 00:25:27.280 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Jacob says, strengths, energetic, hardworking, headstrong weaknesses, naive, impatient, and unintelligent. Jay relies on others around him to help him become stronger when given a simple goal or task, even if difficult, he'll work at it until he succeeds. But when a slower, more nuanced approach is needed he gets tripped up. We'll get into arguments with others quickly. 72 00:25:28.050 --> 00:25:29.350 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Very nice. 73 00:25:30.180 --> 00:25:35.850 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Ethan says. Strength dedicated, loyal, hardworking flaws, enabling reactive, unforgiving. 74 00:25:36.020 --> 00:25:41.429 Michelle at ProWritingAid: These are all great characteristics, for very interesting characters 75 00:25:42.890 --> 00:25:59.959 Michelle at ProWritingAid: do a couple more, Isabel says strength he never gives up, even when he doesn't know what to do. He's selfless and tries to keep others out of danger. He's observant. He notices little details that often others overlook weaknesses. He doesn't know how to help himself or plan ahead. Everything is done in the moment. 76 00:26:00.040 --> 00:26:11.182 Michelle at ProWritingAid: He's often powerless having to rely on others to get him out of trouble. He never ignores things and gets hyper, fixate and hyper fixates on them instead of the task at hand relatable. 77 00:26:11.610 --> 00:26:27.800 Michelle at ProWritingAid: And David says, a strong moral compass, physical prowess and excellent condition, martial martial arts, background, kindness as default, mode, and then weaknesses can occasionally be selfish, prone to self, doubt, tendency to despair. These are great. 78 00:26:28.030 --> 00:26:32.320 Michelle at ProWritingAid: We will go ahead and move on to our next exercise. 79 00:26:37.640 --> 00:26:55.849 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So exercise 3 creating a character arc outline. We're going to create a basic outline of your characters arc from their initial state to their final state, highlighting key moments of change. This one is a little bit longer. You do have 10 min for this one, so I'm going to go ahead and start the timer and feel free to share. When you're done. 80 00:26:55.970 --> 00:26:57.360 Michelle at ProWritingAid: We'll see you in 10. 81 00:37:00.840 --> 00:37:03.410 Michelle at ProWritingAid: All right. That 10 min went by quickly. 82 00:37:03.970 --> 00:37:06.020 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Let's see. 83 00:37:06.610 --> 00:37:10.510 Michelle at ProWritingAid: you guys have some great ideas as always. 84 00:37:11.840 --> 00:37:13.450 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Okay. 85 00:37:16.940 --> 00:37:19.730 Michelle at ProWritingAid: make sure I get to the right part in the chat. 86 00:37:19.960 --> 00:37:24.809 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Okay, so let's see, merrily says 87 00:37:24.870 --> 00:37:33.109 Michelle at ProWritingAid: he is completely oblivious to the way the world is blindly trusting his mother. Even when any outsider like the reader, can tell that there is something wrong. 88 00:37:33.250 --> 00:37:52.179 Michelle at ProWritingAid: His desire to learn the truth makes him break out of his little Bubble, suddenly realizing how isolated he was, and pushing him to learn about the real world, he still doesn't believe that his mother has done anything wrong. Clinging to the idea that somebody is framing her, despite that he grows closer to those who think her guilty, understanding why they would. 89 00:37:52.620 --> 00:38:03.080 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Somebody kills his father. It would only benefit his mother, but he refuses to acknowledge it. The evidence begins to be overwhelming. He writes to his only other remaining family member, his sister. 90 00:38:03.120 --> 00:38:14.770 Michelle at ProWritingAid: his sister confirms his worst fears, and his mind begins to process that his mother was really the one lying. All this time he throws himself into finding the truth with his new allies, but still relies too much on his solitude. 91 00:38:14.910 --> 00:38:18.199 Michelle at ProWritingAid: After his acts alone he distances himself 92 00:38:18.330 --> 00:38:36.100 Michelle at ProWritingAid: from his allies, and he will have to prove he changed to make them be sure that even if the truth hurts his mother, he will do all he can to get it out. There he comes into his own, even if there is still room to grow, and even after learning how horrible the world can be, he chooses to believe that there is always good. That is the 93 00:38:36.120 --> 00:38:38.460 Michelle at ProWritingAid: amazing arc. That's great. 94 00:38:39.350 --> 00:39:06.319 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Carolina, says Amber starts as a spoiled member of a very cult like community who believes she is the chosen one. She does not believe it, and has to endure the envy of other teenagers who see her as not that special. This isolates her from others. She leaves this place, seeking to know herself outside the cult, like environment, putting herself in needless danger in awkward situations, she finds someone who she can connect with and sticks to him obsessively. Believing this is what she needs. 95 00:39:06.320 --> 00:39:25.999 Michelle at ProWritingAid: she starts developing feelings for this person as she thinks they have a lot in common. Her destiny programmed mind plays against her. After this person abandons her, she realizes what she always thought was true. She is unlovable, and people want her just because she was the chosen one, and not because she is herself. So she sails to the sea, leaving all behind. 96 00:39:26.010 --> 00:39:27.170 Michelle at ProWritingAid: That's great. 97 00:39:28.500 --> 00:39:43.710 Michelle at ProWritingAid: See what else Brian says Hancock starts off as a thief in the story, loses a leg in a failed robbery, and goes to prison in the hospital wing. After getting put on a special teams detail for bad behavior. He meets Nurse Chance, and his behavior begins to shift 98 00:39:43.710 --> 00:40:01.940 Michelle at ProWritingAid: as they get involved romantically his allegiance moves from himself to her and her people's needs and position, he finds himself questioning the very nature of who he knows himself to be. He eventually sides with Nurse chance, and finds a way to not only save their world, but to destroy the forces that threaten it permanently. That's great. 99 00:40:05.130 --> 00:40:06.185 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Okay. 100 00:40:11.880 --> 00:40:16.829 Michelle at ProWritingAid: try to call on some people I have not read from yet. 101 00:40:17.970 --> 00:40:39.490 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Okay, so Nicole says at the start, the character is idealistic, energetic, and unfocused, and then at the second part, analytical, motivated, motivated, and focused, and 3, rd alarmed, anxious, and louder, the 4th rationalization of actions pleading, desperate. In the end they are defeated, resigned, and bitter. That sounds like a great start. 102 00:40:40.877 --> 00:40:53.669 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Mw. Darrow, says Julian, starts as a social outcast archaeologist that believes weird legends are actual historical facts, yet his social status does not diminish his passions after being told to put him. 103 00:40:53.760 --> 00:41:00.919 Michelle at ProWritingAid: but I'm sorry, after being told to put up or shut up his determination, lands him in a situation that really speaks to his strengths 104 00:41:01.060 --> 00:41:13.510 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and expertise. This allows him self confidence to blossom in a way that matches his knowledge and skill. He encounters emotional anguish that solidifies his determination, thereby ending him as top dog. That's great. 105 00:41:15.880 --> 00:41:19.240 Michelle at ProWritingAid: I'll go ahead and read one more. 106 00:41:21.370 --> 00:41:41.029 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Adria Bach, says Arkans, ark strong leader, obsessed with progress. Evolution of humanity to save us from the quickly changing environment meets Lydia and sees supernatural gift as the tool to make super soldiers demands. She join his cause, or she'll be used by him as a science experiment, harvesting data from her 107 00:41:41.070 --> 00:41:49.270 Michelle at ProWritingAid: as she excludes as she eludes him, Arkin becomes more obsessed with controlling her, and sends more agents, more swat, teams, drones, and spies. 108 00:41:49.410 --> 00:41:55.179 Michelle at ProWritingAid: He captured her twice, and she escapes, which further shows the growth of her power and his need for her more. 109 00:41:55.340 --> 00:42:20.869 Michelle at ProWritingAid: She is the key to humanity, and she doesn't understand it. He must take direct action and use his personal guard to assist him with capturing her alive. Arkin is forever changed by what she does to him. When she uses her power on him. He is possessed by the need for her ability to spread to all humanity under his control. He will eliminate the rebels once and for all. If he could just get a sample of her blood, she becomes his religion. That's such a powerful ending statement there. These are great ideas. 110 00:42:21.590 --> 00:42:24.069 Michelle at ProWritingAid: I can seriously read all of these. 111 00:42:24.380 --> 00:42:28.469 Michelle at ProWritingAid: but we would go over way too far in time. But these are great 112 00:42:28.590 --> 00:42:33.610 Michelle at ProWritingAid: outlines. You all have fantastic ideas, and I can't wait to see 113 00:42:33.680 --> 00:42:35.020 Michelle at ProWritingAid: what you do with them. 114 00:42:35.570 --> 00:42:37.910 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So moving on to 115 00:42:38.030 --> 00:42:39.680 Michelle at ProWritingAid: exercise 4, 116 00:42:39.820 --> 00:42:47.650 Michelle at ProWritingAid: we're going to do emotional beats. So map out the key. Emotional beats of your character's journey to ensure a compelling and emotionally resonant arc. 117 00:42:47.770 --> 00:42:59.660 Michelle at ProWritingAid: This is 7 min, and this will be our last exercise for today's session. So we'll do this and we'll see you in 7 min. Please share, if you would like, in the chat when you're done. 118 00:44:36.710 --> 00:45:02.829 Michelle at ProWritingAid: I just wanted to come back on, because I see there is some confusion about the emotional beat. I'm gonna pause. The timer here and yes, in the chat the Nanowrimo user shared exactly what I was just going to share an emotional beat is when the action of a story creates an emotional reaction in your character. The emotional beat is there to show us what will motivate our characters. Next, action. The emotional beats of a story help to outline the arc of a character. I hope, that 119 00:45:02.830 --> 00:45:08.480 Michelle at ProWritingAid: provides more background. And so this exercise is more 120 00:45:09.274 --> 00:45:12.250 Michelle at ProWritingAid: understandable. So if that helped. 121 00:45:12.390 --> 00:45:14.332 Michelle at ProWritingAid: let me know 122 00:45:15.140 --> 00:45:19.419 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and if not, I can try and find more information for you on it. 123 00:45:19.810 --> 00:45:21.300 Michelle at ProWritingAid: But yes, okay. 124 00:45:21.810 --> 00:45:40.109 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So I see a few people saying, Yes, all right, we're good to go. I'm going to start the timer again. Actually, I'll I'll rewind it, just to give everybody time to make it more fair, since there was some confusion. So we're just gonna start it over 7 min now, and we will see you in 7 with your examples. 125 00:52:41.510 --> 00:52:46.950 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Okay, the time is up. Let's read through a few of your examples. I 126 00:52:47.020 --> 00:52:52.300 Michelle at ProWritingAid: apologize in advance. If I mispronounce anyone's names. We have 127 00:52:52.550 --> 00:53:18.579 Michelle at ProWritingAid: theorge who says Reese starts out angry and vengeful in response to the death of his daughter. He moves through fear, seeing the dark nature of things that he's in contact with. Then he experiences self doubt when seeing his target is more human. Then, as he presses forward and sees the results of his own actions. He experiences regret and remorse. Finally, as he understands that his actions can't bring his daughter back, he can grieve. It's very powerful. 128 00:53:19.470 --> 00:53:42.350 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Let's see, I'm gonna try and call on folks who I haven't gotten to call on yet. Rachel says Mikhail is alone and sad, pretending not to be confused by a mystery, and still in denial about his feelings, begins to open up about the past and acknowledge trauma finds kinship with his companion. They are captured by a zealot forced to re to relive past incarceration 129 00:53:42.350 --> 00:54:01.550 Michelle at ProWritingAid: while captured. He realizes that being with another person is better than being isolated, realizes the full depth of his feelings for his companion. They escape being captured, but they are driven apart. Mikhail continues his journey alone, and is forced back into isolation, but now he can't bear it. He is reunited with his companion, and they vow to stay together. 130 00:54:02.560 --> 00:54:24.250 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Amy says, chased out of home by riots, guards die, and the 2 girls are left alone in a dangerous world. One of them has to kill someone to survive. They were being attacked, they reach safety, but it is under threat. The girls find out their families may be alive. Mc. Goes to find them. Mc. Discovers her brother is alive, but her father is dead, and that the other girl's father is alive. 131 00:54:24.250 --> 00:54:38.790 Michelle at ProWritingAid: They return to the sanctuary to find it under attack, uncertain of whether the other girl is alive. There's a lot that happens in between. But these are the big emotional beats. That's awesome, Amy. I'm going to put Amy on blast. She's actually a member of the prorating a team, and she's very creative. 132 00:54:41.136 --> 00:54:42.990 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Let's see. 133 00:54:45.410 --> 00:55:13.040 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Michelle says Florence suppresses her emotions after her teen years she was a promising student who dropped out of high school to help at home. Her father developed Als and her mother crumbled. Years later. The rest of the family has recovered reasonably well, but she has become accustomed to sacrificing her needs. She isn't capable of mature relationships and prefers the safety of a reclusive life. She must support herself so is drawn into the emotionally impoverishing life of the gig economy. 134 00:55:13.040 --> 00:55:40.490 Michelle at ProWritingAid: She disappears for a decade. There is an air of mystery and speculation about what she did during those years when she reappears. She has a more intellectually satisfying career, but still underperforms. She is unexpectedly slammed by conspiracy. Theorists for a career related discovery she helped with, and is viciously trolled online with real life consequences. Ultimately she is a victim of a random hate crime. After her death she is lionized for her role in the discovery. That's awesome. 135 00:55:41.240 --> 00:55:44.359 Michelle at ProWritingAid: The ideas you all have are just fantastic. 136 00:55:46.090 --> 00:55:49.750 Michelle at ProWritingAid: There's so much creativity flowing out of this chat right now. 137 00:55:51.813 --> 00:55:53.300 Michelle at ProWritingAid: We are 138 00:55:53.570 --> 00:55:55.330 Michelle at ProWritingAid: about out of time. 139 00:55:55.440 --> 00:56:20.240 Michelle at ProWritingAid: I will find one more to read. Jen says. Rosemary spent the 1st 10 years of her life non verbal, being raised by a monster. She is heartbroken and despairing when her monster tells her she's being recalled, and can no longer see her. Rosemary works through this despair and begins to make relationships with real people, including her dad. It is due to this event that she says her 1st word, wow! 140 00:56:20.770 --> 00:56:22.150 Michelle at ProWritingAid: This is great. 141 00:56:22.350 --> 00:56:23.500 Michelle at ProWritingAid: So. 142 00:56:25.100 --> 00:56:28.309 Michelle at ProWritingAid: I know I keep saying this, but totally blown away by your ideas. 143 00:56:28.630 --> 00:56:46.980 Michelle at ProWritingAid: If you would like to learn more about character arcs, I did dig through our pro writing aid video library. And I found 2 past sessions that we have had in the last year that discuss character arcs. I'm going to drop the links here for you. They're at the bottom here, and you'll see the other links from 144 00:56:47.607 --> 00:56:49.559 Michelle at ProWritingAid: that we discussed earlier. 145 00:56:50.142 --> 00:57:17.659 Michelle at ProWritingAid: But you can see one character arc replay is from our Science Fiction writers week that we had last year. So that'll give you an idea of what you could expect at Science Fiction writers. Week 2024 we'd love to have you register. And then the other character, arc meet story arc was done by Jessica Brody, and she's fabulous, so I highly recommend you. Give those to a watch if you would like to learn more from the experts about character arcs. 146 00:57:17.700 --> 00:57:22.319 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and let me just move on here from our 147 00:57:22.750 --> 00:57:34.890 Michelle at ProWritingAid: slide. So we do have 2 more sessions. We'd love to have you back, for on the 21st of August and 28th of August. Those are the final 2 in this nun over takeover series. 148 00:57:35.360 --> 00:58:02.809 Michelle at ProWritingAid: so be sure to mark your calendars for those, and if you're interested in upgrading your prorating aid account, we do have a special offer for Nano participants. For the whole month of August, you can get 25% off your 1st year of per any premium or premium pro. And the link is on this slide. But it's also in the hub. So if you go to the hub, you'll see. Today's replay posted, and just a probably in a couple of hours. It just depends on how long it takes zoom 149 00:58:02.810 --> 00:58:12.619 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Youtube to process everything. We'll get that up for you as well as the slides from today. And the audio transcript for anyone who needs that. 150 00:58:12.620 --> 00:58:37.410 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and so that will all be there. I'll drop the links for you again in the chat, so that you have them. If you have any questions. Please feel free to email hello@prowritingaid.com if you have any. Regarding this specific event, you can put attention, Michelle, and the subject. If you have questions about your account, a member from our support team will be more than happy to help you. Thank you all so much for being here. This was so much fun 151 00:58:37.410 --> 00:58:50.720 Michelle at ProWritingAid: fun, and next week we'll be back with Hayley Millerman. She's the director of community, and she is fantastic, so you will have a great session with her, and in the meantime we'll see you over at the Hub. Have a great day. 152 00:58:50.720 --> 00:58:52.570 Michelle at ProWritingAid: and we'll see you next week. 153 00:58:52.720 --> 00:58:53.940 Michelle at ProWritingAid: Bye, everyone.