WEBVTT 1 00:00:06.750 --> 00:00:07.820 Joe at ProWritingAid: Hello! 2 00:00:08.610 --> 00:00:17.220 Joe at ProWritingAid: If you guys can hear me and see me and see my screen please, could you just drop in the chat? Your name and where you're joining us from today. 3 00:00:23.090 --> 00:00:31.749 Joe at ProWritingAid: Just give a bit of time for more people to join for anyone that didn't hear me. If you could drop your name and where you're joining us from today. That would be fantastic. 4 00:00:31.960 --> 00:00:40.340 Joe at ProWritingAid: So we have Michelle from Canada. Oh, wow! Lots of people coming in. It's great Angie, from Brampton. 5 00:00:41.000 --> 00:00:42.860 Joe at ProWritingAid: wow! Penny from Indiana. 6 00:00:43.210 --> 00:00:45.140 Joe at ProWritingAid: Felicity Edwards from the Uk. 7 00:00:45.440 --> 00:00:47.310 Joe at ProWritingAid: Laura from California. 8 00:00:48.920 --> 00:00:51.189 Joe at ProWritingAid: manna from Croatia, fantastic 9 00:00:52.690 --> 00:00:53.910 Joe at ProWritingAid: Brooklyn 10 00:00:54.650 --> 00:00:59.079 Joe at ProWritingAid: cheer from 1,000 Oaks, May from Ohio, Peter from Berlin. 11 00:00:59.600 --> 00:01:01.170 Joe at ProWritingAid: Libby from Missouri. 12 00:01:02.850 --> 00:01:06.839 Joe at ProWritingAid: Fantastic! Just give it one more minute to make sure everybody joins 13 00:01:11.060 --> 00:01:14.539 Joe at ProWritingAid: Judy from Wales in the Uk. Erin from New Hampshire. 14 00:01:15.180 --> 00:01:16.609 Joe at ProWritingAid: said from Spain. 15 00:01:18.630 --> 00:01:20.190 Joe at ProWritingAid: Hi! From the Netherlands. 16 00:01:21.270 --> 00:01:22.250 Joe at ProWritingAid: Fantastic. 17 00:01:31.200 --> 00:01:44.069 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay, brilliant. I think I'll get started. It's great to see so many of you here. So. Hello! My name is Joe from pro writing aid. And thank you so so much for joining us today. 18 00:01:44.420 --> 00:01:57.130 Joe at ProWritingAid: Today's session. Make your story sing with sensory details is the 1st in the 4 part edit to Excellence Webinar series we're conducting for our Nanowrimo August takeover 19 00:01:57.627 --> 00:02:14.179 Joe at ProWritingAid: so we here at prowriting Aid, are proud sponsors of Nanowrimo. And we love connecting with folks in the writing community. Just a little bit of information about prowriting aid. So we are a digital toolkit for storytellers designed to elevate your prose and streamline your editing process. 20 00:02:14.190 --> 00:02:20.750 Joe at ProWritingAid: Our mission is to give storytellers, writers like yourselves the power to craft your story and bring it to life. 21 00:02:20.810 --> 00:02:30.370 Joe at ProWritingAid: In addition to our software product, we host free events all year round, including genre specific writers, weeks as well as webinars and workshops like this one. 22 00:02:30.780 --> 00:02:41.349 Joe at ProWritingAid: In fact, we'll let you be the 1st to know that Science Fiction writers. Week is coming up in just over a month, and so please be on the lookout for our official official announcement 23 00:02:41.500 --> 00:02:52.710 Joe at ProWritingAid: to access the edit to excellence. Replays, session slides and schedule and special discount. Offer for Nano participants. Please be sure to visit the Hub page link, which we will drop into the chat. 24 00:02:53.230 --> 00:02:55.410 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay, so with that being said. 25 00:02:55.460 --> 00:02:56.700 Joe at ProWritingAid: let's begin 26 00:02:57.130 --> 00:03:04.809 Joe at ProWritingAid: so welcome to edit to excellence session. One, make your sort story, sing with sensory details. 27 00:03:05.050 --> 00:03:11.000 Joe at ProWritingAid: So a little bit, what about what we're going to cover today? So we're going to talk about what sensory detail is 28 00:03:11.050 --> 00:03:14.060 Joe at ProWritingAid: why sensory detail is so important. 29 00:03:14.080 --> 00:03:20.459 Joe at ProWritingAid: We're going to give some examples of sensory detail. And then we're going to get on to some exercises to to get us writing. 30 00:03:21.510 --> 00:03:26.640 Joe at ProWritingAid: So 1st of all, let's begin by understanding sensory detail. 31 00:03:27.170 --> 00:03:35.349 Joe at ProWritingAid: Sensory detail involves the use of descriptive language to engage the reader's senses. So sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch 32 00:03:35.610 --> 00:03:37.019 Joe at ProWritingAid: sensory detail 33 00:03:37.120 --> 00:03:57.659 Joe at ProWritingAid: details, draw readers into the story, making them feel present in the scenes engaging the senses can evoke strong emotional responses from the reader, and it helps readers to connect with the characters by experiencing the world through their senses. So it really is an effective way of putting readers putting themselves in the shoes of your characters. 34 00:03:58.930 --> 00:04:15.609 Joe at ProWritingAid: So we're going to go through some examples now across some different genres. So 1st of all, we have sensory detail in romance writing. The 1st one is an excerpt from Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, which has one of the best opening lines in literature, in my opinion, and this one is going to focus on sight. So 35 00:04:15.970 --> 00:04:27.790 Joe at ProWritingAid: Elizabeth, as they drove along, watched for the 1st appearance of Pemberley Woods with some perturbation, and when at length they turned in at the lodge, her spirits were in a high flutter. 36 00:04:28.240 --> 00:04:34.260 Joe at ProWritingAid: and next we have an excerpt from Outlander by Diana Caboden, which is touch. 37 00:04:34.480 --> 00:04:54.109 Joe at ProWritingAid: His hand was warm and slightly rough, the calluses catching on the silk of my gown as he slid it off my shoulder. So we have a really really effective contrast there between the rough calluses of the hand catching on the soft silk of the gown which leads to some incredibly strong description. Here. 38 00:04:55.220 --> 00:05:06.469 Joe at ProWritingAid: next, we have some sensory detail in fantasy, writing, featuring arguably my favourite author, Jr. Tolkien. And this is focusing on smell, but as well. It includes some sound at the beginning here. 39 00:05:06.520 --> 00:05:26.000 Joe at ProWritingAid: so he could hear the groaning creak of the trees far below, and the sense of the air was full of the smell of the forest. So it really feels like we're in that forest. We can hear the the creak of the trees, the groaning creak of the trees, and we can smell the forest. It's a really effective way of putting your reader there. 40 00:05:26.390 --> 00:05:34.040 Joe at ProWritingAid: And next up we have an excerpt from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, or the philosopher's stone. If you're in the Uk. And this is going to focus on taste. 41 00:05:34.640 --> 00:05:47.479 Joe at ProWritingAid: The treacle tart was Harry's favorite, and the warm, sweet taste of it made him feel as though he had come home. So here we have sensory description being used to actually tell us more about the character of Harry Potter. Here. 42 00:05:48.910 --> 00:05:57.110 Joe at ProWritingAid: next up, we have some sensory detail within crime writing, and this is an excerpt from the girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stig Larsen focusing on sight. 43 00:05:57.450 --> 00:06:00.469 Joe at ProWritingAid: The room was lit by a single lamp. 44 00:06:00.700 --> 00:06:05.809 Joe at ProWritingAid: casting a pale yellow glow over the scattered papers and files. 45 00:06:06.080 --> 00:06:11.970 Joe at ProWritingAid: and an excerpt from Gongo by Gillian Flynn, which has one of the best twists I've ever read. 46 00:06:12.280 --> 00:06:14.250 Joe at ProWritingAid: and this is going to focus on sound. 47 00:06:14.920 --> 00:06:27.189 Joe at ProWritingAid: I heard the crackle of the gravel under his feet as he walked away, each step a countdown to the explosion. So here we have sensory detail being used to create a sense of tension. 48 00:06:29.860 --> 00:06:33.630 Joe at ProWritingAid: So now we're going to come on to crafting vivid sensory details 49 00:06:34.310 --> 00:06:48.569 Joe at ProWritingAid: as is important in creative writing. We want to show and don't tell. So we want to use descriptive language to paint a picture rather than just stating facts. So, for example, instead of simply stating. The room was messy. 50 00:06:48.890 --> 00:07:02.170 Joe at ProWritingAid: We could say clothes were strewn across the floor, and the smell of stale pizza lingered in the air, which is a much more effective way of communicating and describing that the room is messy as opposed to just stating that it is. 51 00:07:02.460 --> 00:07:04.459 Joe at ProWritingAid: We also want to be specific. 52 00:07:04.490 --> 00:07:29.169 Joe at ProWritingAid: choose precise details that evoke the senses strongly. So, for example, the freshly baked bread had a golden crust that cracked under the knife, releasing a warm, yeasty aroma, and that immediately made me think of the film Rastatouille, where the chef is showing the main character how to spot good bread, and she says it's all about the sound as well, which, again, is an effective use of sensory description. 53 00:07:30.470 --> 00:07:39.329 Joe at ProWritingAid: We also want to make sure we're engaging all 5 senses. So ensure your descriptions include sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. 54 00:07:39.370 --> 00:07:41.050 Joe at ProWritingAid: So, for an example, here 55 00:07:41.100 --> 00:08:05.010 Joe at ProWritingAid: the carnival was a sensory overload with its bright lights, the roar of the crowd, the sweet sense of cotton candy, the sticky taste of caramel apples, and the rough texture of the burlap sack in the potato race, and that is almost overwhelming to read, because there's so much going on. And it's engaging all of our senses. We're not simply talking about one thing that we can see. For example, it's engaging all of our senses. 56 00:08:05.310 --> 00:08:22.790 Joe at ProWritingAid: And we also want to make sure we're incorporating character reactions. So we want to show how sensory details affect your characters. For example, the icy wind cut through his coat, making him shiver and pull up the collar, pull the collar up tighter around his neck 57 00:08:22.930 --> 00:08:26.959 Joe at ProWritingAid: now, and I'm currently reading Dracula by Bram Stoker, and there's a 58 00:08:26.990 --> 00:08:32.509 Joe at ProWritingAid: really powerful use of sensory description in that. The characters go into a crypt, and there's a 59 00:08:32.559 --> 00:08:48.339 Joe at ProWritingAid: horrible description of a putrid smell in there, and it makes all the characters, wretch, and want to leave, and it made me feel queasy reading it, and that's an exact. Another example of how effective sensory description can be. Because it it genuinely did make me feel a bit sick. 60 00:08:49.640 --> 00:08:56.079 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay. So now we've had a quick intro and as to what sensory description is, and gone through some examples. 61 00:08:56.250 --> 00:08:59.460 Joe at ProWritingAid: it's time to practice and put it into action. So 62 00:08:59.500 --> 00:09:01.049 Joe at ProWritingAid: here's how this is going to work. 63 00:09:01.420 --> 00:09:04.950 Joe at ProWritingAid: We will now proceed through 4 prompts for each prompt. 64 00:09:05.070 --> 00:09:09.340 Joe at ProWritingAid: You will have a set of instructions, and then a certain amount of time to complete the prompt 65 00:09:09.530 --> 00:09:24.140 Joe at ProWritingAid: at the end of the timer you can paste your work into the chat to share and to have it read out if you're comfortable, so please don't feel like you have to, or you're required to, but if you'd like to share your work and have it read out, please post it in the chat. It would be great to see what you're all writing. 66 00:09:26.210 --> 00:09:28.180 Joe at ProWritingAid: so exercise one 67 00:09:28.240 --> 00:09:30.180 Joe at ProWritingAid: a sensory snapshot. 68 00:09:30.610 --> 00:09:37.219 Joe at ProWritingAid: so I want you to take a moment to close your eyes and imagine a specific setting from your own story. 69 00:09:37.320 --> 00:09:55.210 Joe at ProWritingAid: and then write down as many sensory details as you can think of focusing on all 5 senses. So we're not just focusing on maybe what we can see or what we can hear. We want to include examples of all 5 senses within a specific setting from our own story. 70 00:09:55.220 --> 00:10:04.460 Joe at ProWritingAid: So I'm going to start the timer in a second. I'll turn my video off so I don't distract anyone, and I'll touch back again in 5 min, and we can go through some of your writing. 71 00:10:04.860 --> 00:10:06.830 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay, I'll start the time now. 72 00:15:19.190 --> 00:15:30.139 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay, well done, guys. Apologies for the alarm sound. If you heard that scared me. Okay, so great to read some of these, I can see a lot coming in the chat. So the 1st one we have 73 00:15:30.270 --> 00:15:32.070 Joe at ProWritingAid: from Shirley Matthews. 74 00:15:32.140 --> 00:15:46.799 Joe at ProWritingAid: The bog belched sulfur and blurt at the side of the Esker in gigantic, slow motion, bubbles, fantastic, lovely use of alliteration. She flicked her eyes at it, held her nose, and took her dagger out of its sheath. 75 00:15:47.410 --> 00:15:55.949 Joe at ProWritingAid: It slid with a zing of steel, and the sun gleamed down the razor edge. Undead, she thought, bring it fantastic. 76 00:15:56.070 --> 00:15:57.610 Joe at ProWritingAid: Rebecca. 77 00:15:57.980 --> 00:16:12.840 Joe at ProWritingAid: lush! Soft blankets cocooned around her, nearly suffocating her. In the next room. Servants were preparing her bath, and her nose was already tingling with the salts and oils, melting her muscles even deeper into the cushions and blankets. Wonderful description. 78 00:16:12.990 --> 00:16:27.280 Joe at ProWritingAid: This was to be a difficult morning. For a moment the salts from the bath melded with that coming from her eyes, and she pressed her face into her pillow to prevent any sound any smell from coming through. A voice called to her, though. 79 00:16:27.600 --> 00:16:34.079 Joe at ProWritingAid: and she took a stiff inhale of the cotton and silk before sitting up and making her way to the bath. Brilliant. 80 00:16:35.823 --> 00:16:59.180 Joe at ProWritingAid: We have another one here, clear, open skies, sifting sand moving across the dunes, blanketing otherwise heavy footsteps. The sun beats down, a line of sweat drips down the curve of her back, while particles of coarse sand cling to her skin that's brilliant, used to touch that every time she wiped the sweat from her brow, the sand smeared, and she refrained from rubbing her stinging eyes. 81 00:16:59.460 --> 00:17:06.209 Joe at ProWritingAid: This is great guys keep them coming. We'll do a few few more before we move on to the next exercise. So we have Nicole. 82 00:17:06.660 --> 00:17:24.329 Joe at ProWritingAid: Her nose crinkled as the damp morning air carried the putrid smell of low tide inland. Nice, nicely horrible description of that smell. Brilliant traffic rolled by her with rattling mufflers and knocking engines. She frowned as the ghost of an English muffin. 83 00:17:24.359 --> 00:17:41.400 Joe at ProWritingAid: An apricot jam lingered in her mouth, reminding her she had not brushed her teeth. Brilliant description, getting all the senses in here. The black wool slacks, now faded to dark grey with age, scratched her legs as she hurried to the bus that would inevitably be late 84 00:17:41.440 --> 00:17:42.480 Joe at ProWritingAid: brilliant. 85 00:17:43.290 --> 00:17:51.350 Joe at ProWritingAid: We have Joan here. The atmosphere on Mars was cool, with a brisk breeze blowing. Yes, Maureen's alliteration brilliant 86 00:17:51.510 --> 00:18:00.270 Joe at ProWritingAid: under my feet. I felt the orange moist moss tickle between my toes. All was silent, until behind me I heard a clank of metal 87 00:18:00.280 --> 00:18:05.669 Joe at ProWritingAid: and felt a whoosh. I turned in a flash and barely met with cold steel. 88 00:18:06.080 --> 00:18:08.450 Joe at ProWritingAid: It was a miss on my warm flesh. 89 00:18:08.470 --> 00:18:36.380 Joe at ProWritingAid: Standing in front of me was a huge green being of such is hard to explain it had green skin, 2 2. Or is that 4 arms, 2 legs, or is that 4 legs? It spoke to me, but I was not able to understand the spout of loud noises coming from its mouth. Nice, intimidating! I'm I'm quite scared of that creature. Okay, we're gonna do one more before we move on to the next exercise. But please keep sharing, guys. 90 00:18:36.570 --> 00:18:38.300 Joe at ProWritingAid: This one is from journey. 91 00:18:38.420 --> 00:18:52.380 Joe at ProWritingAid: Satoo ran through the forest, dry leaves and twigs crunching under her feet, brilliant. The smell of greenery and aliveness made her smile as she glanced up at the bright blue of the sky above. 92 00:18:52.400 --> 00:19:04.729 Joe at ProWritingAid: The cheerful twitter of birdsong filled the air. Lovely sentence! She found what she was looking for in a flash of a million on the edge of her vision the last of this year's tinselberries. 93 00:19:04.760 --> 00:19:06.360 Joe at ProWritingAid: She picked a handful 94 00:19:06.420 --> 00:19:16.289 Joe at ProWritingAid: and pop them into her mouth, the sweet, slightly tangy flavor filling her mouth as juice dripped down her chin, brilliant, fantastic uses of description guys. 95 00:19:16.450 --> 00:19:23.199 Joe at ProWritingAid: These are all really, really strong. And we're engaging all the senses, which is exactly what we want to be doing fantastic work. 96 00:19:23.740 --> 00:19:26.050 Joe at ProWritingAid: So we're going to move on to exercise 2. Now. 97 00:19:26.520 --> 00:19:27.360 Joe at ProWritingAid: yeah. 98 00:19:27.670 --> 00:19:37.990 Joe at ProWritingAid: which is sensory transformation. So we have a little bit longer for this 7 min. So I want you to choose a short descriptive passage from your own work, or we can. We can create a new one for this. 99 00:19:38.392 --> 00:20:03.750 Joe at ProWritingAid: That uses sensory details, and I then rewrite the passage, changing the sensory details to create a different mood or a different atmosphere. For example, if you have a calm scene, we could use our sensory descriptions to change that into an airy scene, or vice versa, from an airy scene into a calm scene. So we want to change the mood of the atmosphere and the scene by using our sensory description here. 100 00:20:04.020 --> 00:20:14.510 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay, so I'll start the timer for 7 min, and we'll reconnect. After that I look forward to reading them guys. I'll be reading what we've got already during these 7 min. So please keep them coming. 101 00:20:14.710 --> 00:20:16.199 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay, off we go. 102 00:27:27.670 --> 00:27:43.850 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay, that was the siren, which means that was the end of the time. Brilliant guys. I've been really, really enjoying reading these passages as they become in the chat, so please keep them. Keep them coming. I'll just go through a couple now for for this exercise before we before we move on. 103 00:27:45.850 --> 00:27:52.689 Joe at ProWritingAid: So we have one. Here she looked the perfect image of a biker girl from yesteryear, wearing an old style crash, helmet. 104 00:27:53.000 --> 00:27:57.260 Joe at ProWritingAid: and sheepskin jacket of the kind a flying ace might have worn. 105 00:27:57.500 --> 00:28:04.590 Joe at ProWritingAid: She was clutching a bulging canvas knapsack, and there was a big smile on her face. And this has been changed, too. 106 00:28:04.670 --> 00:28:08.880 Joe at ProWritingAid: She looked the image of a biker girl from yesteryear, wearing 107 00:28:08.890 --> 00:28:22.170 Joe at ProWritingAid: her old style, crash, helmet, and sheep, sheepskin jacket of the kind of flying ace might have worn. She was touching a bulging canvas knapsack and was panting hurriedly, her eyes darting around the room. Yes, brilliant, completely different. Here 108 00:28:23.600 --> 00:28:30.100 Joe at ProWritingAid: we have another one here from Betsy. He and I remain kneeling. As the communication communicants filed 109 00:28:30.110 --> 00:28:56.690 Joe at ProWritingAid: to the front of the church, the cold of the stone began to seep through my clothing into my bones. Incense hung in the air, and candles flickered in the gloom. Fantastic, really, really lovely bit of description there! Time for one more quickly before we move on, because I want to make sure we get through all the exercises in time. So we have one here from Kyla. So the old paragraph she found a safe place to collect her thoughts. In the mining level of the spaceship. 110 00:28:56.690 --> 00:29:16.869 Joe at ProWritingAid: The space was low, ceilinged, and close, lit by a weird green glow from the glass domes of processing fluid. The rumbling, burbling pipes were warm, and the humid air had a sharp chemical undertone that stung her nose and left a metallic taste in her mouth. Wow! Really strong description brilliant! 111 00:29:17.780 --> 00:29:26.949 Joe at ProWritingAid: And then the new paragraph. She found herself trapped in the mining level of the spaceship. The ceiling hung low, and the weird, green, glowing domes loomed close on every side. 112 00:29:27.130 --> 00:29:32.190 Joe at ProWritingAid: Pipes rumbled and hissed, the heat rising to surround her. She panted in thick 113 00:29:32.320 --> 00:29:45.910 Joe at ProWritingAid: in the thick, humid air, the sharp chemical scent stinging her nose and leaving a metallic taste in her mouth. And we have here fascinating, just changing some verbs made it so much more ominous. I agree it's really, really powerful 114 00:29:46.030 --> 00:29:54.479 Joe at ProWritingAid: just how effective it can be to simply change a few verbs and a few bits of description here, and we can complete, completely change the tone of a scene as well. 115 00:29:55.350 --> 00:30:03.600 Joe at ProWritingAid: So thank you so much for this, guys, we're going to go on to the next one. Now, exercise to exercise 3 even, which is scene enhancement. 116 00:30:04.360 --> 00:30:24.930 Joe at ProWritingAid: So scene enhancement. I want you to identify a pivotal scene in your story that could benefit from enhanced sensory details. And then I want you to rewrite the scene, ensuring to incorporate sensory details for all of our senses, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch here. 117 00:30:25.220 --> 00:30:46.520 Joe at ProWritingAid: So again, we're going to identify a pivotal scene in our story that we think could maybe benefit from enhanced sensory details. So maybe we focus too much on one sense. For example, I know I'm guilty of focusing purely on sight. And so we want to identify a pivotal scene and then see where we can enhance our sensory details and description. Okay. 118 00:30:46.820 --> 00:30:55.539 Joe at ProWritingAid: so this is going to be 10 min. I'm going to read through all your brilliant passages, and we're going to check back in in 10 min time. Okay. 119 00:30:56.160 --> 00:30:57.149 Joe at ProWritingAid: off we go. 120 00:41:05.660 --> 00:41:08.770 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay. Fantastic. Thoroughly. Been 121 00:41:09.171 --> 00:41:30.410 Joe at ProWritingAid: enjoying reading these guys. It's such great, such great writing. It's really inspired me to work on my own stuff as well. In the interest of time I'm gonna move on to the next exercise. Now, just to make sure we get through everything. But please know I am. I am reading them. I'm I'm loving reading them, and I'm sure you're all your writing is inspiring everybody else in the chat as well, just as much as it is me. So please do keep them coming. 122 00:41:31.010 --> 00:41:34.410 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay. So for our next exercise. 123 00:41:34.660 --> 00:41:36.260 Joe at ProWritingAid: exercise 4, 124 00:41:36.420 --> 00:41:38.719 Joe at ProWritingAid: it's going to be a memory trigger. 125 00:41:38.900 --> 00:41:50.170 Joe at ProWritingAid: So I want you to recall a personal memory that is vivid in sensory detail, and then write a brief scene for your story. Inspired by this memory. 126 00:41:50.170 --> 00:42:04.319 Joe at ProWritingAid: and please be, please ensure to include all 5 senses, and especially for me, I think smell is a really really powerful sense to evoke memory when I think of childhood memories. For some reason I always seem to think 127 00:42:04.320 --> 00:42:25.050 Joe at ProWritingAid: what it smelled like. Then if I smell that sense again, for example, fresh cut, freshly cut grass reminds me of being being young and playing outside in the summer, for example. So please don't just use one sense. Use all 5 for this one. So we want to recall a personal memory that is vivid in sensory detail. Write a brief scene for our story. Inspired by this memory. 128 00:42:25.050 --> 00:42:34.349 Joe at ProWritingAid: ensuring to include all 5 senses. We're gonna have 7 min for this one. Guys. Okay, so off we go. I'll see you in 7 min. 129 00:49:42.470 --> 00:49:50.759 Joe at ProWritingAid: Okay? Well done, guys. There's been some absolutely gorgeous bits of description posted in the chat. I've thoroughly loved reading 130 00:49:50.900 --> 00:50:08.101 Joe at ProWritingAid: all of them as many as I can. So thank you so much for contributing. It's it's been brilliant from from my end, and I hope, you can see the power of sensory description. In changing a scene, in making what could potentially be 131 00:50:08.990 --> 00:50:19.939 Joe at ProWritingAid: a, a scene which needs needs a bit more description. And turning it into actually one of the stronger bits of description in your story. So thank you so much for all your contributions. I've thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed reading them. 132 00:50:21.440 --> 00:50:28.210 Joe at ProWritingAid: So thank you so much for today. I really really hope you've enjoyed today's session. 133 00:50:29.030 --> 00:50:39.099 Joe at ProWritingAid: Be sure to mark your calendars for our next 3 sessions. These will be taking place on the 14, th the 21, st and the 28th of August. 134 00:50:39.710 --> 00:51:03.419 Joe at ProWritingAid: and if you are interested in grading your pro writing aid account, we have a special offer for Nano participants during the month of August, for 25% off your 1st year of prowriting a premium or premium pro and the link to access this discount is on the edit to excellence. Hub page you can also expect to find the replay of this session posted in the Hub later today. 135 00:51:03.570 --> 00:51:17.130 Joe at ProWritingAid: If you have any questions at all, you can always reach us at hello@prowritingaid.com. So please do send us an email, and you should be able to find the links again in the chat now. 136 00:51:17.790 --> 00:51:32.099 Joe at ProWritingAid: So again. Thank you all so so much for joining. It's been a it's been a wonderful session getting to getting to read all your wonderful descriptions. I hope you guys learned learned a lot from it. And I look forward to seeing all your published works in the future. 137 00:51:32.140 --> 00:51:36.849 Joe at ProWritingAid: So we're going to leave it there for. Now, guys, thank you so much, and I will see you soon.